Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder?  Then this Documentary is worth a listen.  I was preparing another message to send today but when I listened to this Documentary this morning, I felt I needed to share it.

There was so much information reported here that I believe we all need to take a step back, take a deep breath and absolutely begin to do our own research.  You may watch it and disagree and that’s ok.  We all have the ability to choose what we will trust and believe and what we won’t.  But I think we have to ask the question, “Why are more and more people diagnosed with a mental disorder and why are more and more people on psychotropic drugs? And why is our society getting mentally sicker?”  This Documentary will shed some light on those questions.  At least it did for me.

My Own Personal Experience

I remember 30 years ago I was separated from my husband and had gone back to work in a job I truly didn’t like.  It was a good job with a major medical company.  I had a company car, based salary and commission but the job just wasn’t me.  My heart wanted to be home raising my daughter and I didn’t want to be back in the workforce.  I had separated from my husband and was both relieved to be out of the chaos with him but sad that my dream of having a family had fallen apart.

I was seeing a therapist at that time and shared with her that I struggled getting out the door every day.  She wanted to refer me to a psychiatrist to get some meds.  I tilted my head and had a surprised expression on my face and asked why?  She said, “Well perhaps you are depressed.”  I said, “I get out of bed every morning, shower, get myself dressed and get my daughter ready for day care.  I just don’t want to go to my job!  Where did she see depression there?  I was so glad I refused her suggestion.

The question to ask is why is “drugging” the answer for emotional imbalances?

Understand that:

  1. No psychiatric “disorder” is an actual disease requiring medical treatment. There are no blood/lab tests, x-rays or diagnostic tool to determine if you have this “disorder”.  It is a biased and subjective decision.
  2. No scientific proof that psychotropic drugs resolve mental problems. No measurement exists.
  3. Psychotropic drugs mask symptoms and have long-term side effects. Medicating a symptom doesn’t get to the root and hence the issue never goes away.
  4. Psychotropic drugs can cause dependency and addiction.
  5. Most mental problems are caused by an underlying physical illness.
  6. There are many effective non-drug options for mental problems that don’t need psychotropic drugs.

Where do you stand?

If have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder?  It’s worth watching.

Are you on psychotropic drugs?  It’s worth watching.

Do you have children in public school?  You must watch this Documentary.

We must become our own child’s medical advocate and do our research and not rely solely on our physician. Watch to find out what happened to one family because they sent their child to the doctor because she couldn’t sleep.  Or another family who had their daughter taken away for 6 months because the school decided to do a psychological eval (without parents knowing) and decided she was suicidal.  And without the parents’ consent or even knowing where they brought her, was taken away.

Watch this Documentary … it will be worth your time!

I highly recommend this Documentary called Making a Killing.   The link is below.  It’s about an hour and a half long but was worth every minute of watching.

Link to Making a Killing

Be blessed and encouraged and most importantly, make the decision to be your own health advocate.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Have You Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder?