Reframing Your Thinking With Tip #5

Did you ever feel so stuck in a situation that it immobilized you?  You don’t know which way to turn or which steps to take.  I’ve been there.  It’s like my feet are in mud and it’s beginning to harden like concrete.  I can’t move in any direction or even out of the situation. Well, […]

Reframe Your Thinking by Having Confidence Over Comparisons!

One of the many things I learned from my Certification with IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) is that we are all bio-individuals. So, what may work for me, may not work for you.  That’s where having a knowledge of who you are, what you like and what you are about is important. When we feel […]

Renew Your Mind from Procrastinating!

This week we are moving into Tip #3 of 8 Tips to help you “reframe your mind and thinking.”  I would love to get your feedback on the prior two Tips.  Are they inspiring you to begin a new thought pattern?  Let me know. For years I lived in such a negative thought pattern.  I […]

Dream Not Doubts to Reframe Your Thinking!

Can you have “Dreams not Doubts” to begin to reframe your thinking? Today I am going to talk about Tip #2 of 8 Tips to Reframe Your Thinking or Mind.  What can you do to reframe your thinking from doubt?  Take a listen to this Podcast and grab a hold of Tip #2 on Reframing […]

We Are All Human Experiments! Don’t Believe Me?

Would you believe me if I said that you, me and all of us humans are the largest human experiment in history? Before you click off reading, please stick with me. A few weeks back I shared with you an interview of two whistle blowers exposing the Medical Industry and our Grocery Products Industry.  They were […]

Reframing Your Thinking to Walk in Freedom!

What do you think would happen in your life if you began reframing your thinking?  What would change for the better?  Do you hate the place you are emotionally living in right now and need change in your life?  It starts with what we allow ourselves to think about.  By reframing our thinking and turning […]

Peek Into My Coaching Program for a Free Lesson!

I have something special for you I recently went through my 12 Week Transform Your Trauma into Peace Coaching Program and updated it with some nice changes.  This revised Program is ready for release.  As a gift I want to share the First Week’s Lesson with you. Sometimes the word “trauma” intimidates people for a […]

Don’t Let the Medical Industry Make You a Customer!

Do you ever sit back and wonder why our society has sicker and sicker people?  I do.  It is so on my mind and in my heart that sometimes I battle with having to shut my mouth and not give someone advice on what they are sharing with me.  They have fallen into the plan […]

God Knew What He Was Doing When He Created the Earth!

There is no explanation needed here.  Just basic common-sense eating.  God knew what He was doing when He spoke the Universe into existence.  Every detail of everything He created was well designed and for a purpose. Don’t let people tell you eating too much fruit is not good for you.  Fruit is better than juice.  […]

The Truth About Frozen Yogurt … and Ice Cream.

Let’s talk about frozen yogurt and even ice cream for that matter.  I’m so disappointed in these foods as they are a favorite to eat during the summer months.  But I’ve changed my tune recently and avoid eating these products. I remember years ago when we lived in our other home, close by was a […]