Is stress, anxiety or depression part of your life for so long that it seems like having these emotional imbalances is a normal way of life?  It’s with you throughout the day but somewhat unnoticed.  But at night when you are asleep and all is quiet, it pops its ugly head.  You’ve tried therapy, supplements and even Essential Oils.  You vowed you wouldn’t go down the path of prescription medication, but you are tempted on those nights you are awaken at that God-awful hour of 3 am and then cannot fall back asleep.  You are almost at your wits end and don’t know what to do?  Medication is not the path you want to go down, but you know you need to find relief.  Something needs to change but you are unsure what you should focus on.

Stress, anxiety and depression can be caused by a few issues.  Trauma is probably the main one. But if you have no prior or current trauma and life seems to be ok, yet you are dealing with anxiety and depression, perhaps consider it could be coming from your gut.

What I Experienced When I was Organizing!

Years ago, when I was organizing full time and would meet a new client (especially in the morning), as we were taking a tour of the house, they would be sipping on a can of diet coke.  My heart was grievous for them because I know the potential health hazards they were causing to their body.  They are telling me how unmotivated they are, have no energy, their thinking is foggy, and they are frustrated.

Is this you?  If so, have you considered your diet?  Take a look at the food you are eating that can bring on anxiety and/or depression?  There are foods that are inflammatory to your body.  They can cause inflammation internally, which causes many illnesses externally.  It is something for you to consider.

Your gut is considered “your second brain!”

What is happening in your gut will affect your overall health, well-being and emotional state.

So, take a look at the foods you are eating will be a great next step.  It’s worth a 30-day detox from them to see if anything changes.

What food should you avoid?

Here is the list to get you started.

  1. Caffeine – Caffeine is a stimulant and can increase your heart rate, which increases feelings of anxiety. It also lowers your serotonin levels in your brain, which can lead to depression.  Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, some sodas and chocolate.
  2. Sugar – This “sweet” condiment can cause an imbalance in your blood sugar. So shortly after you have eaten it, you have this “surge” of energy.  Only to have a crash after that.  Then you feel tired and worn out.  Do you have the need to take a nap in the afternoon?  Problem is you are at work or have little ones at home and that can’t happen.  Perhaps look at what you ate for lunch.  Was it white bread, pasta, white rice, cakes, crackers, candy, pastries, or soft drinks?  They are loaded with sugar and can cause your insulin to be like a yoyo all day.
  3. Wheat – Sometimes wheat allergies can show itself in symptoms of anxiety or depression. A common allergy is the gluten in wheat.  Also, unless you are eating “Certified Organic” wheat, you are getting wheat that has GMOs and glyphosate (or Roundup) in it.  That is very unhealthy.  Wheat is not just in bread but in pastas as well.  It is also found in many skin care products.  If it’s gluten you are allergic to, then you need to remove barley and rye as well from your diet.
  4. Dairy – Many people have allergies to diary and some of those symptoms are digestive. But it is also known to cause feelings of anxiety and/or depression.
  5. Salt – Unfortunately, your average table salt is full of sodium chloride and can cause dehydration, which in turn can lead to depression. It also can lower your potassium and potassium is needed for a healthy nervous system.  Sea salt is the best condiment of salt to use, and I do not use it sparingly.

You might ask if these foods can cause anxiety are their foods that help with anxiety/depression?  Yes, there are.

What are some of those foods that can improve your mood and give you an uplifting feeling?

  1. Asparagus – Asparagus gives you folic acid, which can help fight depression and boost your mood.  Just one cup of asparagus gives you two-thirds of your daily requirement of mood boosting folic acid.
  2. Avocado – This “fruit” is full of B vitamins. B vitamins are known to lower stress reactions, improve your mood and raise your energy levels.  They are also loaded with monosaturated fat and potassium, which can also help to lower your blood pressure.
  3. Blueberries – These delicious berries are full of antioxidants and vitamin C, which make them excellent stress fighters. Also, studies have shown that Vitamin C helps fight high blood pressure.  It also can lower the stress hormone cortisol.  But eating “organic” blueberries will be essential.  They are part of the “dirty dozen” and should be eaten only as organic Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen.
  4. Wild-Caught Salmon – This fish is full of healthy omega-3s, which is known to decrease internal inflammation and keep cortisol and adrenaline levels from spiking which gives you a calming effect.
  5. Cashews – These wonderful nuts are high in zinc. Those suffering from anxiety and depression are known to be deficient in this mineral.   You need healthy levels of zinc to keep your immune system in proper working order to fight illnesses from manifesting in your body.

Consider looking at the foods you are eating.

Do a 30-day detox to remove those foods that could potentially be affecting your gut health to see if you feel different.  Will you have to refrain from eating these foods forever?  Maybe not.  It’s possible you be able to go back to them once you have gotten a handle on your anxiety and/or depression.  Or you can find that in fact you have allergies to some of these foods and when you remove them from your diet you feel fabulous.  It’s worth a try.

Do you have trouble understanding fully what to eat or not eat and how to get started?

Do you feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to replace these foods with?

Then let’s chat.  As a Spiritual Life & Health Coach, I will help you navigate this new journey to health and wellness.  Give it a try.  You are worth it!

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in You!

What is Your Gut Telling You?