Circle of Life … your education!

Last week we talked about your creativity.  Did you take some time during the week to work on an existing project, start a new one or finish one that is long overdue?  I’d love to hear about what you ventured into. This week we are going to look at the area of your education.  This […]

Circle of Life … your creativity!

Last week we talked about your Home Environment on the Circle of Life.  Were you able to make any changes in your home environment or does your home already give you that peace, rest, and comfort you need?  Do you have questions about tackling any of those home projects, I’m here for you! This week […]

MSG and Deceiving Ingredients

I remember 20+ years ago when my 18-month-old son was dealing with “night terrors.”   The pediatrician told me that it was normal and he would out grow it.  Yikes.  You’re kidding … right?  He’ll out grow it?  Well when … tonight?  (Still amazed that physicians say things like that.) Finally, after some pray and research, […]

Circle of Life … your home environment!

What is your spiritual life like?  Is it strong, growing and giving you the peace, love and guidance, you need?  I pray so. This week we will discuss the area of your home environment.  This Circle of Life Spoke on the Wheel is special to me as I have spent the last 8 years working […]

Circle of Life … your spirituality!

How is your physical activity going?  Were you able to make changes or implement a new program in your weekly regime?  I pray so … and if you haven’t, it’s never too late to start.  If you start and then stop, that’s ok.  Pick it up and start again. This week I want to discuss […]

Circle of Life … your physical activity!

Were you able to glean any wisdom from last week’s Circle of Life focus on “Relationships?”  I would love to know your thoughts and if there are issues you are struggling with, just know I’m here to help. This week I want to discuss on the area of physical activity.  On my Circle of Life, […]

Circle of Life … your relationships!

I hope you were able to download the Circle of Life and determine where you are on each spoke of the Wheel. This week I want to discuss the area of relationships and the importance of them.  Having healthy, supportive, and loving relationships is so important to our health and well-being.  I remember years ago […]

Circle of Life … what are your results?

When I am working with a Health Coaching client, we begin by looking at Primary Foods not just Secondary Foods (foods you eat).  What are Primary Foods?  It’s your relationships, your physical activity, your career and your spirituality.  If anyone of those areas is out of whack, trying to encourage you to eat more broccoli […]