I just want to send a quick message to you regarding a topic that comes up a lot for me with people in my coaching circle.  Many people use Canola Oil and have a belief it’s ok.  I try to explain to them that it’s not necessarily the plant that the oil comes from that makes it toxic but the process in which they make the oil. After digging  a little deeper, I was able to find a video on how they make Canola Oil. I also found this graphic below from Danielle Hamilton.

Take a few minutes to listen to the video below and see if this is ok for your cooking and diet.  It isn’t for mine.

Here is the video on how Canola Oil is made.

How Canola Oil is Made!

If you want to know what to replace it Canola Oil with, this is what I us.

Pure 100% Organic Olive Oil for my salads and low heat cooking.  Sadly, we need to be sure the Olive Oil is pure and not mixed with canola or other oils.

Avocado or Coconut Oil for high heat cooking.  The Chosen Brand of Avocado Oil seems to have the most concentrated avocados.  Check out this video from Annette Reeder on how to pick the best Avocado oil.  How to Choose Avocado Oil!

I hate being the bearer of bad news, but my heart is to give people healthy eating options.  But as always, you can take what I say and discard it … but I hope you will at least do your own research.

Blessings and love,

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Is Canola Oil Safe?