Deep Breathing to Release Anxiety!

There are a number of things you can do to release anxiety in your body and depending on the level of anxiety and how long it’s lived in your body will depend on how quickly you can purge it from your body.  Living with high levels of anxiety and stress is not healthy for you […]

Are You Managing Your Stress Well?

Living in a state of continual stress is so dangerous to our overall health and so many of us are living in that “fight or flight” mode.  Our sympathetic system can be at an all-time high and we never allow our bodies to get into a balanced state and into our parasympathetic system. Living in […]

Is Sunscreen Safe to Use?

I know we’ve been told for years to watch out for the sun because the sun causes cancer.  But I personally have a different take.  We need the sun for Vitamin D3.  If we need the sun for Vitamin D, how can it cause cancer?  Vitamin D3 is imperative to our health.  It’s bad enough […]

Aromas Can Trigger a Brain Response!

Do you know aromas can trigger a brain response?  Being that they do, you want to be sure the aromas you are inhaling are safe.  That’s why it’s critical you know where your essential oils are coming from. Are you able to see the GCMS reports on each oil from the company you are using? […]

Allergies – Get Relief Using Essential Oils!

Allergy season is upon us as we are moving into Spring as trees, grasses and flowers are starting to bloom. Last week I sent an email titled One Way to Rid Yourself of Allergies.  If you missed that email, you could read it on my Blog post link here.  It was a short email and had […]

100 Uses for Essential Oils PDF!

Using Essential Oils, I believe, is a great way to support health and healing for your body.  I’ve received inquiries about understanding Essential Oils on a greater level.  Soon I will be creating some Webinars on Essential Oils but until they are completed, I’m providing you with some helpful information. Essential Oils is a great […]