Using Essential Oils, I believe, is a great way to support health and healing for your body.  I’ve received inquiries about understanding Essential Oils on a greater level.  Soon I will be creating some Webinars on Essential Oils but until they are completed, I’m providing you with some helpful information.

Essential Oils is a great way to add an aroma to your home that is safe unlike using Glad Plug-Ins or Yankee Candles.

Create your own cleaning products that are safe and cost effective.

Supporting your immune system with Essential Oils is a healthful way to live.

There are 3 ways to use Essential Oils.

  1. You can use them topically.
  2. You can diffuse or breath them in.
  3. You can ingest (note: not all Essential Oils are ingestible)

So, to help you learn a little more about Essential Oil uses, I’m giving you a downloadable PDF called 100 Uses for Essential Oils.  Its jam packed with ideas and ways to enhance your health for you and your family.

Click here to get your copy!

If you would like a I’m Not Sure How to Get Started! with me, then please click to schedule some time

And of course if you are ready to purchase some oils, feel free to click here Get Started with My Oils!  Remember if you think you would like to make oils part of your lifestyle, consider becoming a Wholesale Buyer so you can get your oils for a 25% discount.  It’s like a BJs or Costco account.  First year is $35 and the years thereafter are $25.  Each year you renew, you receive a free Peppermint Essential Oil as well.

Happy Essential Oils.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

100 Uses for Essential Oils PDF!