For those of us up North, it is still sweater weather.  Some days are warmer than others and as far as Connecticut is concerned, we’ve had a very mild winter.  AND I am not complaining.

This new Diffuser Blend is lovely, and I hope you give it a try!  Juniper Berry has a woodsy, piney and fresh aroma.  It’s great to help release tension and pressure in your body and would be ideal for a massage.  It is a calming and grounding oil.

Eucalyptus has an herbaceous aroma and can be revitalizing.  It has great cleaning properties as well as helping you clear your breathing.  Eucalyptus is your go to oil when your airways are congested.  It can also be used for a soothing massage.  Eucalyptus is an excellent oil to have during cold season.

Clary Sage is a wonderful oil to calm your entire body.  It has an herbal, woody and sweet aroma all in one.  It also can be used to soothe skin irritations.  Inhaling Clary Sage will help calm your mind and bring you into a relaxing environment.  Using it internally will promote a good night sleep.

Consider giving these oils a try either diffusing, applying topically or ingesting the one that can be ingested.

As always, to order these oils, go to Order your desired oils! .  Remember if you become a Wholesale buyer you save 25% on each oil AND if you place a monthly order on a Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) you begin to accumulate points and can then order free oils.  Need help getting started using oils? I get it.  I did too!  Click this link and we can have a Getting Started Call

Blessings and love and enjoy your Sweater Weather!

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Sweater Weather Diffuser Blend!