Keep All Your Medical Information in One Place

A few years ago, from 2012 – 2019, my sister and I were our parents Power of Attorney (POA) and Medical Representatives.  This meant we were to help navigate their finances and medical care.  Both my parents had several medical issues and were either in the ER or a Doctor’s office often.  When they would […]

Understanding Your Immune System

I am continuing my discussion on building a strong Immune system and I’d like to take some time to explain what our Immune system is and how it works. Think of your Immune system as the “police” of your body.  It is there to protect you from any invader that might be trying to take […]

“The pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything!”

Recently I saw an interview with Alfie Oakes from a grocery store/restaurant/bar called Seed to Table in Naples, Florida.  It was a powerful interview, and I was so pleased to see that there are businesses promoting and selling food that nourishes people.  It was refreshing to listen to this gentleman talking about how serious he […]

Carbs or no Carbs?

Do you love carbs … like bread, crackers, rice, potatoes, and fruit … yes even fruit?  I have to say my weakness would be crackers.  I LOVE cheese and crackers for sure.  Fruit also is one of my staple foods especially in the summer when I can get organic blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries and […]

Clean, Simple, Real Food!

My son has been telling me to go to a new Grocery Store that opened around the corner from his girlfriend’s home for months now.  I do my shopping at Whole Foods and online because I found when I used to try to shop at traditional grocery stores, I always had to go to Whole […]

A Definition of Medicine … a different perspective

We’ve grown up to believe that medicine is that pill or liquid you take for a specific illness.  On many levels that is true but how about if we take a broader perspective on what the definition of medicine means. I love this definition: “Medicine is about the way you live your life.” Dr. Judith […]

Are Your Supplements Safe?

As we continue along with the focus on building and strengthening your immune system, the next area I want to focus on is supplements.  One of the concerns I have with supplements is that we need to be careful we are not taking supplements in place of making lifestyle changes.  Just like in the traditional […]

What is Good Public Health?

It has been a difficult year and a half for many with the perpetuating and marketing of fear regarding the Covid Virus.  What saddened me greatly was that we never heard on the news or by Government officials what could be done to heal from the virus or help us prevent from getting it.  In […]

The Truth About Table Salt!

As a follow up to my Blog a few days ago regarding working with a coach and it’s benefits, I want to pass along a resource to you to help you add to your “healthful” eating.  Many people stay away from salt because they believe it’s bad for you.  Yes iodized, kosher, and commercial sea […]

Why Would I Want to Work with a Health Coach?

As we navigate life and transition throughout the different seasons we go through, sometimes they can be hard, confusing, or tumultuous.  Many years ago, when I was going through a very difficult divorce, having a Coach come along side me might have made it more tolerable.  There were times I wished I had an Attorney, […]