Circle of Life … Health!

Last Blog, we talked about Joy and the importance of having a life filled with joy.  Is your life full of joy, or do you have an overwhelmed life and depression seems to have more control over you?  Don’t stay there.  You can move out of that place in your life and I’m here to […]

Circle of Life … Joy!

Last week we talked about home cooking and that it can be simple to take control of what you are eating.  I hope you incorporated more home cooking into your family meals this past week even if it was just a few.  I also hope you involved the family in this event and made it […]

Circle of Life … home cooking!

Last week the “spoke” we talked about on the Circle of Life was your social life and the importance of having fun and enjoying other people’s company.  Were any of my suggestions helpful for expanding your network of people to socialize with?  Drop me a note and let me know your thoughts. This week we […]

Circle of Life … your social life!

Last week we talked about your finances.  For those who downloaded my Excel Budget Spread Sheet, did you find it helpful?  I hope so.  I’m sure all categories don’t specifically apply to you.  But they are easy to change to meet your specific needs. This week we are going to look at the area of […]

Bird’s Eye View … where intuition meets logic!

In this episode, we were blessed to have Odie Schoenborn as our guest speaker.  Odie has been a nurse for 45 years. Her background is in pediatrics (26 years) and mental health and substance abuse (15 years). Odie discusses many of the “red flags” regarding vaccines that she encountered in her many years as a […]

MSG and Deceiving Ingredients

I remember 20+ years ago when my 18-month-old son was dealing with “night terrors.”   The pediatrician told me that it was normal and he would out grow it.  Yikes.  You’re kidding … right?  He’ll out grow it?  Well when … tonight?  (Still amazed that physicians say things like that.) Finally, after some pray and research, […]

Circle of Life … your physical activity!

Were you able to glean any wisdom from last week’s Circle of Life focus on “Relationships?”  I would love to know your thoughts and if there are issues you are struggling with, just know I’m here to help. This week I want to discuss on the area of physical activity.  On my Circle of Life, […]

Circle of Life … your relationships!

I hope you were able to download the Circle of Life and determine where you are on each spoke of the Wheel. This week I want to discuss the area of relationships and the importance of them.  Having healthy, supportive, and loving relationships is so important to our health and well-being.  I remember years ago […]

Circle of Life … what are your results?

When I am working with a Health Coaching client, we begin by looking at Primary Foods not just Secondary Foods (foods you eat).  What are Primary Foods?  It’s your relationships, your physical activity, your career and your spirituality.  If anyone of those areas is out of whack, trying to encourage you to eat more broccoli […]