If you are feeling lost, abandoned, hurt, betrayed or unloved, take a few minutes to listen to this Podcast.  This message was a difficult one for me to give but I felt it was something the Lord placed on my heart to share so I was obedient.

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I’d Rather Read Your Message!

Hello friends.  Welcome to my Podcast Giving You A Fresh Start After Trauma.  I’m glad you are here and hope this message inspires you and gives you hope.  My message today is “You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!” Let’s get started.

When I heard this statement, “You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!” it caused me to pause.  I had to stop and write it down so I would not forget it.  As I began to write it down, some thoughts began to unfold that I felt prompted to share.  I felt a nudging from the Lord to write about this topic.  Honestly, I’ve been ambivalent about writing this message and have been praying “Did I really hear you, Lord?”  But I’m stepping out in faith and writing what I feel He instructed me to write.

These past 4 years since Covid have been interesting as well as challenging.  Sadly, there has been strife amongst family and friends.  Some people wouldn’t fall for what they thought was propaganda regarding covid and others followed all the mandates and thought that those that didn’t were uncaring and, in some cases, evil.  Unfortunately, this caused tremendous division amongst family and friends.  I have heard so many sad stories.

Then we have the issue of our political arena.

Families have fallen apart because of support for one political party or another.  It’s so very sad.  Family members won’t associate with others because of their political support.  When has our society gotten so divisive?

If this speaks to you, I understand because I speak of this not from just witnessing from others but also from my own personal experiences.  It has been sad but with the Grace of God and His healing and love you move on.

So why am I writing this or where is this leading to?  When families fall apart and people who you thought were friends eliminate you from their life, it can be painful.  It can trigger unhealed wounds, and it makes these departures all the more hurtful.

Is this you?

Have you experienced loss of family members or friends?

Do you now have a sense daily of doom and gloom?  Are your thoughts daily foreboding?  Do you feel isolated and sad because they have abandoned you?  Well first, know that you are loved by others and especially the God of the Universe.  For some people the pain can be so intense that they don’t necessarily feel a reason for “staying around.”

When I thought about all this and the loss of family members or friends, it brought me down a memory years ago of something God seemed to trust me with.  So, this is where I questioned my writing about this but as I said,  I’m stepping out in faith and just moving forward. 

Thirty or so years ago when I was a “baby” Christian, God showed me something that so overwhelmed me that I wasn’t sure what to do with it.  It was a Friday morning and my children, and I got done homeschooling fairly early that day.  It was a good day.  I felt lighthearted and a sense of peace.  I began cleaning the house and then decided to do some ironing.  To keep me company I put on a teaching by a pastor.  At the end of his service, he had an alter call for those who were suicidal.  Tons of people went forward for prayer, and many were young teenagers or young adults.  It totally broke me and began crying.  My heart was so heavy that I didn’t know what to do.  I sat down and asked the Lord what this was about because this was an old tape and obviously these people went forward for help, so they are ok.

Why was I so upset?

Well as faithful as our Father is, He began to speak to my heart and tell me there were two gentlemen in my church who were suicidal.  I was shocked, frightened and didn’t know what to do.  I called a close friend who told me I needed to tell someone.  To make a long story short I did.  And these two men were in that state and they were given help.

The second time the Lord trusted me with this was when I was on the Board of a Women’s Ministry, and we were holding a Women’s Conference.  The Lord told me there was someone there who was suicidal.  I went to the speaker and told her.  Because I spoke up a woman was helped as well.   The third time I was at my Church service.  During the sermon, the Lord put on my heart that there was someone there who was suicidal. When you hear this message, it shakes you up.  What if I was wrong?  But then again what if I heard correctly?

Sitting in front of me was the Associate Pastor’s wife.  I leaned forward and told her.  She told me I had to go up and tell the Pastor.  Feeling unsure, I sat there telling God to “tell someone else or to tell the Pastor himself.”  Literally I was praying that.

Ugh Lord why are you telling me this?

But the sense was so strong inside me I had to go forward, interrupt the Pastor and tell him.  A short while later he spoke to the Church and asked if there was anyone who was considering suicide to please go to the elders for help.  Well, I found out after the service that there wasn’t one person who came forward for help but three.  I was grateful I was obedient.

So why am I sharing these stories?  Because when I heard the statement above it gave me such an unsettling feeling in my spirit that I wanted to reach out and say to someone “You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!

Even if life seems to be falling apart around you.  Even if family members or friends have walked away from you and think bad thoughts about you?  You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!  You are worth being here and do have something to offer.  If family or friends have abandoned you, there are others out there that want you in their life and you are somebody to someone.

Please if you need help!

If life has reached the point of contemplating ending it, PLEASE REACH OUT FOR HELP.  Please tell someone and seek a professional.

Here is the Link to search out for help!

We are all valuable and should not let the “dissing” of others bring us down.  Surely if you’ve done something to hurt them, you need to make it right.  But if people have walked away from you for your beliefs and stands, don’t let them pull you down.  Stand strong and know that the Father can bring you comfort, love, support and perhaps a new friend and family.  He’s done it for me.

If you are not in a good place and would like some coaching to bring you to a place of love, peace and joy, reach out and schedule some time with me.  You do not need to do a full 12 Week Coaching Program to work with me.  You can schedule an hour Coaching Session as needed.

Here is the link to reach out to me!

Let’s begin a Fresh Start in your life.  Now could just be that time.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!