You, My Friend, Are Created to Shine!

Yes, this is the truth.  You are created to shine!  Your destiny is written on your heart! Do you believe that? I had struggled with “shining” for a very long time because of the pain from the trauma I had experienced in my life.  But one day it finally hit me that yes, I am […]

This Might Be Controversial!

This email might lend itself to be on the controversial side and cause some to be offended.  PLEASE hear my heart.  That is not my intention. I am about education, knowledge, information, wisdom and giving another perspective for people to evaluate and make their own decisions.  But many times, we don’t have all the facts, […]

Step into Peace and Joy!

Many times, in life, things feel wrong, yucky, out of sorts and not where you want to be living. You don’t know why It’s unclear how you got there, and Getting out of this state of being seems impossible Basically, you know how you feel, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings. […]

Sometimes the Next Step is Working with a Coach!

This Quote below is a wonderful way to begin this writing.  It’s by Joshua Rosenthal, from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (where I obtained my Coaching Certification). “Working with a Coach is not about acquiring more self-discipline or will power. It’s about personally discovering what nourishes you, what feeds you and ultimately what makes your […]

How The Food Industry Deceives Us!

I don’t think anyone would argue with me that these past 2 ½ years have been on some level hard for everyone.  Now with the CDC changing where they stand with the C-Virus, it is so disturbing. Naturopathic Doctors were shouting from the roof tops and were silenced.  Sadly, what they were warning us about […]

Natural Bug Repellent with Essential Oil

As much as possible my first “go to” to treat or begin a healing process is something natural.  Essential Oils, for me, is on the top of the list.  Having a very hefty supply of oils, I use them all the time.  Whether I’m  diffusing while working or sleeping, trying to nip something coming on […]

Will Working With a Coach Propel Me to My Goal?

Many people think that coaches are a new profession.  Throughout all our lives we’ve had coaches helping us without realizing it.  When you had a good teacher that guided you towards a goal, that was a coach.  Or a friend who’s “been there done that” and now are helping you get there, is working with […]

Do You Have a Vision For Your Life?

I love this statement from Helen Keller when asked, “What is worse than not having sight?”   “Having sight but not having vision!” Wow, that statement is so impactful.  How many of us go through life drifting along being content with just doing our job and coming home?  How many of us never have had […]

Giving You a Fresh Start … with your mind!

For years we have believed that once our brain is damaged, we will have to live with that damaged brain for the rest of our lives.  But that is not true.  Have you heard of neuroplasticity? According to the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI), “neuroplasticity can be viewed as a general umbrella term that […]

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself?

I contemplated what I was going to call this Blog/Email post … What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself? Or What Lies Do You Believe? I then decided to turn it all around and title it: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself? I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “you will become […]