This week we are moving into Tip #3 of 8 Tips to help you “reframe your mind and thinking.”  I would love to get your feedback on the prior two Tips.  Are they inspiring you to begin a new thought pattern?  Let me know.

For years I lived in such a negative thought pattern.  I had adapted beliefs that have taken a lot of work to undo.  The problem is that unless you get the truth you don’t know if what you think upon is true or false.  You think because it’s in your mind that it’s truth.

When you experience abuse in your life and especially as a young child, you need some safe ways to process it.  Sadly, many times, you are never given that opportunity.  So, processing these events can embed lies and unbelief into your mindset.

What I tried to do for my children.

As I was going through a very tumultuous divorce and for that matter marriage, I tried my best to direct my children to their Heavenly Father.  My Heavenly Father was who I hung onto for dear life at times and I wanted my children to have someone greater than themselves to help have some stability in their life.

If you experienced trauma and had no one to rely on or trust in, your trauma probably created a negative mindset that could be embed deeply in your thought processes.  Sadly, as a child, I didn’t have the ability to hold onto a perfect Father in Heaven.  I was made to believe that God was in Heaven pointing His finger at me telling me I was a bad girl.  I was never taught (not even by the Church) that He loved me beyond measure.

Now I don’t necessarily blame my parents for this because I’m sure that belief system was what they were taught, and they were just passing that on to me.  But because I had no one to turn to in my trauma I lived in much fear.  And my fear created me to be a “procrastinator”.

How did my trauma cause me to fall into procrastinating?

Well first, because I had so much fear inside me and a great amount of fear of punishment for doing something wrong that I wouldn’t nor couldn’t decide on anything.

Secondly, because I had no purpose, I floundered in life.  Why did God create me?  What did He put me on this earth to accomplish and do?  I did not know.

I am His daughter and He has a plan and a purpose for me, and it is good.  But I didn’t know that.  So, I tried in my own strength and power to create things in my life.  Some things worked out but so many didn’t and created much pain and turmoil in my life.

Chose …

Purpose Over Procrastination

Believe that God created you for a reason and He wants you to move into that reason.  If you don’t know Him, then get to know Him.  I cannot image doing life without a relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Finding my reason has caused me to stop procrastinating.   I am moving into what He has called me to do.

So, look over your life right now.  Do you find yourself procrastinating on things.  I understand there are certain “chores” we do not want to do, and we put off.  That’s not what I’m talking about.  I’m talking about walking in the fullness of why you were put on this earth and being sure to have grabbed a hold of it.

Why do I want this for you?  Because someone needs what you have to offer!

Get quiet.  Go for a walk.  Talk to the Father and be sure you are choosing …

Purpose Over Procrastination

Be blessed and encouraged my friends!  You have a Father who loves you and so do I.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!


Please share this message with someone you know who needs to be encouraged!

Renew Your Mind from Procrastinating!

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