Healed Trauma Confirmed Through My Quilting!

Sometimes it takes a while to realize we have been healed from a certain aspect of our experienced trauma and it’s not until something similar comes along to confirm that.  Well, that’s what my quilting has shown me. Take a listen to this latest Podcast Healed Trauma Confirmed Through Quilting! You too can receive healing […]

Deep Breathing to Release Anxiety!

There are a number of things you can do to release anxiety in your body and depending on the level of anxiety and how long it’s lived in your body will depend on how quickly you can purge it from your body.  Living with high levels of anxiety and stress is not healthy for you […]

Are You Managing Your Stress Well?

Living in a state of continual stress is so dangerous to our overall health and so many of us are living in that “fight or flight” mode.  Our sympathetic system can be at an all-time high and we never allow our bodies to get into a balanced state and into our parasympathetic system. Living in […]

Are You Desperate For Change?

Many times, in our state of frustration we express our desire for change only to find that we are easily swayed back into our old ways. We may think that we’ve reached our limits and we are ready to move into another direction but find that the pit we are in can still pull us […]

Deciding is Just the First Step!

How many of you read the statement in this picture and answer with the number 4?  I believe I did the first time I saw it, but it didn’t take me long to realize that I had the wrong answer. Read it again and take a few minutes to really read each word and be […]

Giving You a Fresh Start PODCAST UPDATES

 It’s been a few weeks since I’ve sent you an email about my VIDEO/PODCASTS but that does not mean I have not been recording them.  There has been a change though and starting in 2023, I am only recording PODCASTS.  You can find me on:             Apple Podcasts             Spotify             iHeartRadio             Amazon Music […]

A Follow-Up & Newly Added Fear P@rn to the List!

I am not sure if you had the opportunity to read my prior email on “What Do You Consider Fear P@rn?” and if you haven’t, the summary of it is below.  But after I sent the email, I realized I didn’t update with the latest fear that has been released … the Respiratory Syncytial Virus […]

What is Considered Fear P@rn?

Happy Hannukah to my Jewish friends and clients.  I pray you are having a blessed week. I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by and that we are less than a week from Christmas.  Are you ready?  I am except for a few cookies to make.  Christmas is my favorite Holiday celebration.  I […]

Step into Peace and Joy!

Many times, in life, things feel wrong, yucky, out of sorts and not where you want to be living. You don’t know why It’s unclear how you got there, and Getting out of this state of being seems impossible Basically, you know how you feel, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings. […]

What Category Does Your Food Fall Into … safe or poison?

I cannot shout this statement from the roof top enough! We, as a Nation, have fallen into the trap of purchasing toxic food that bring on dis-ease and then we are made to believe toxic medication will bring healing or protection to our body. Have you bought into the fear? Fear was so instilled in […]