How The Food Industry Deceives Us!

I don’t think anyone would argue with me that these past 2 ½ years have been on some level hard for everyone.  Now with the CDC changing where they stand with the C-Virus, it is so disturbing. Naturopathic Doctors were shouting from the roof tops and were silenced.  Sadly, what they were warning us about […]

Will Working With a Coach Propel Me to My Goal?

Many people think that coaches are a new profession.  Throughout all our lives we’ve had coaches helping us without realizing it.  When you had a good teacher that guided you towards a goal, that was a coach.  Or a friend who’s “been there done that” and now are helping you get there, is working with […]

Giving You a Fresh Start … with your mind!

For years we have believed that once our brain is damaged, we will have to live with that damaged brain for the rest of our lives.  But that is not true.  Have you heard of neuroplasticity? According to the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI), “neuroplasticity can be viewed as a general umbrella term that […]

Let Food Be Your Medicine!

There’s a saying that goes … “Let Food Be Your Medicine!” Does that mean you shouldn’t ever take a medication again?  Absolutely not.  But know that incorporating whole, real food into your diet will help with an illness or medical condition that you currently have.   You will begin to feed your body with those […]

Sweeteners in Our Food!

As I move along on giving you strategies for building a strong and robust immune system, I would be neglect if I didn’t talk about sweeteners.  It’s a hard subject because sweeteners are such a main staple to our diet and a “sweet one” at that.  But a diet high in sugar is damaging to […]

Supporting Your Immune System with Herbs!

I don’t know about you, but I try to avoid putting any chemicals in my body as much as possible or at least intentionally.  I wanted to share with you the history of how we moved from natural healing and Naturopathic Doctors to a “pill for an ill” and Traditional Doctors but I cannot locate […]

Understanding Your Immune System

I am continuing my discussion on building a strong Immune system and I’d like to take some time to explain what our Immune system is and how it works. Think of your Immune system as the “police” of your body.  It is there to protect you from any invader that might be trying to take […]

“The pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything!”

Recently I saw an interview with Alfie Oakes from a grocery store/restaurant/bar called Seed to Table in Naples, Florida.  It was a powerful interview, and I was so pleased to see that there are businesses promoting and selling food that nourishes people.  It was refreshing to listen to this gentleman talking about how serious he […]

Clean, Simple, Real Food!

My son has been telling me to go to a new Grocery Store that opened around the corner from his girlfriend’s home for months now.  I do my shopping at Whole Foods and online because I found when I used to try to shop at traditional grocery stores, I always had to go to Whole […]

What is Good Public Health?

It has been a difficult year and a half for many with the perpetuating and marketing of fear regarding the Covid Virus.  What saddened me greatly was that we never heard on the news or by Government officials what could be done to heal from the virus or help us prevent from getting it.  In […]