I love reading the stories in the Bible of what the Israelites went through to get from bondage to freedom.  There is so much we can learn from their experiences.  One of their major experiences that I glean much from is the time the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and how God delivered them.  Stay with me here as I desire to expound on something impactful.

The Israelites were sent to Egypt because there was famine in their land.  God had paved the way through Joseph.  You can read that story by starting in Genesis 37.  But after living freely in Egypt for several years, they were made slaves and lived as slaves for 400 years.

Finally, after 400 years God rose up a deliver.

His name was Moses.  Moses was going to help walk the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promise Land God had for them.  It was an 11-day journey that took them 40 years.  Why?  Because although they left Egypt, they still had Egypt in them.  They still walked as slaves and needed healing, deliverance AND a belief and trust that God would be there for them.  Although God performed a miracle at the Red Sea, fed them, kept them free of illness and disease and didn’t let their clothes nor sandals wear out, they struggled with truly believing He was there to completely set them free.  Hence, they complained and grumbled a lot.  God was frustrated with them and didn’t let the older generation move into their Promise Land.

What is in your life that still has you stuck or paralyzed in a belief that was put upon you (either by yourself or others) and is not true?  Many of you know my story that as a child one of the ways I was disciplined was to be called stupid.  Was I stupid?  Absolutely not but it was a belief that was put upon me and as a child I did not know how to think differently.

Childhood Experiences.

There can be so many things that happen to us as a child and sometimes it can be unintentional.  But whether it was intentional or not our child-like immature mind will draw a conclusion that is probably not true.  Let me give you an example.

Do you ever feel that you had the life sucked out of you?  You’re afraid to move forward with the things that are on your heart and when you try you feel like you can’t breathe.  Well, was there a time when you physically had the “life sucked out of you?”  What do I mean?  As an example, your father is angry with you and he is screaming in your face.  This shocks you and the first thing you do it hold your breath.  It seems that “life is being sucked out of you.”  So now when you become frighten you hold your breath for a second or two.  Literally you are having the life sucked out of you.

It will be important to have that trauma healed in your life so you can breathe easier and not feel life being sucked out of you.

Where Are You Stuck?

Where are you stuck in your current life and what has you paralyzed?  Getting to the root of it will then enable you to be healed from that specific trauma.

I once read something that was so profound to me that it caused me to pause in my tracks.  It said, “Experience is not the best teacher.  Other people’s experience is the best teacher.  By reading about the lives of great people, you can unlock the secrets to what made them great.”  Isn’t it more fun to get wisdom by reading about other people’s successes.

I’d like to add that by reading and learning about the lives of people who had experienced trauma in their life but came out the other side with victory can be one of your best teachers.  By understanding what they went through, what they did, how they might have failed but picked up the pieces, can give you the tools you will need to have the same result … freedom and victory!  Why let yourself think you will never be healed from bad experiences in your life and you just need to learn to deal with it.  Why not learn the lessons of other people’s experiences to help set you free and grow emotionally in life.

Consider becoming part of my Revivers Coaching Programs.  Let me help you set your intentions on becoming that Reviver.  Let’s begin your journey now.

What will you walk away with?

R – Be REDEEMED to who God created you to be.

E – EXPERIENCE true freedom by EXPERIENCING the Love of the Father.

V – Move into VICTORY from all that oppresses you.

I – Be INSTRUCTED on how to move into freedom and stay free.

V – Develop a VISION for your life.

– ELIMINATE obstacles that come into your path so you can be an OVERCOMER.

R – REJOICE over your life even if you are not where you want to be and still on that journey.

S – Finally, learn how to be STEADFAST and have STAYING power as you SUCCEED!

Here’s what a recent client had to say after completing her 12 Week Coaching Program.

I had forgotten about me, once again in my life. It was a wonderful, loving time – one on one with Regina, providing scriptural truth and attention to my spirit, soul, and body so much so, I have hope once again.

My outlook has improved since I’ve done some honest, soul-searching which led to a correction of my focus and a major shift in my emotional state. I am walking in more confidence with my Lord, not beating me up so much in my mind.  I’m laughing more, enjoying life with a much-improved outlook!

Thank you Regina for a great class, and thank you, Father God, that you gave Regina the idea!  


Would you like to learn more?  Click this link https://reginasanchez.com/lifehealthcoaching/ or click this link https://reginasanchez.com/talkwithregina/ to have a free “Discovery” call where you can determine if my Coaching Program is a fit for you!  I’d love to walk you to your “Promise Land!”

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!




What Has You Stuck or Paralyzed?