Sometimes we just focus on very serious health issues with our bodies.  But there are minor things happening to us that need to be addressed, given attention and changed.  Take a listen to this Podcast as I address an ingredient, yes, an ingredient that could be wreaking havoc to your mind or brain.  And it’s an ingredient that we have been led to believe is no longer used.

Click here to listen to the Podcast!

I’d Rather Read Your Message!

How can we keep our brains strong, healthy and prevent all the “dis – eases” that seem to be on the rise regarding our mind?  Studies show that Alzheimer is on the rise and although they don’t have a full understanding of this disease, in some scientific circles, they seem to have named it Type III Diabetes.

But what about other issues of our mind like brain fog, confusion, and forgetfulness.  What could be the things that we are doing to our body to perhaps be causing these issues with our mind or our brain?

I think the place to start is always with what we are putting in our body and on our body.  So many products (be it food or body care) have chemicals in them that act as neurotoxins.  I remember years ago (30+) when my daughter was about 2-3 years old.  My parents came over for a visit and brought some steak sandwich meat.  Bless their hearts for always wanting to help me but they were not ones to care about the ingredients in food.  I never thought to check the ingredients.  It was only thinly sliced steak, right?  So, for dinner we made steak sandwiches.  I gave my daughter pieces of the steak.

You Won’t Believe What Happened to My Daughter!

Well, that night my daughter could not go to sleep no matter what I tried to do.  At one point she was standing in her crib banging her head on the crib railing.  I was baffled by what was going on? Why would she behavior this way?  As always, the Holy Spirit gives me direction and, in my heart, told me to go and check the ingredients on the box of thinly sliced steak.  Sure, enough it was filled with MSG (glutamate).  MSG is a neurotoxin that was poisoning my precious little one and her body/mind didn’t know what to do with it.  In the garbage these steaks went.

Do you know that MSG is still being used in many products?  They just have renamed it.  The FDA does not require manufacturers to call an ingredient MSG unless it’s 99% pure.  So sneakily they add it to other ingredients and are then free to not list it.

Most byproducts of processed protein are high in free glutamate (MSG), but it’s not listed as such.  It is being hidden in dozens of different names.

What are the reasons why we should avoid MSG or it’s hidden names?

  • It can cause neurological issues in your brain
  • It interferes with your brain pathway that says “I’m full”
  • MSG can cause weight gain
  • It’s an excito-toxin (remember the head banging with my daughter)
  • Can cause depression, disorientation, eye damage, fatigue, headaches and obesity

Where do we find MSG or glutamate?

  • Chinese Food
  • Potato chips (Doritos)
  • Snacks
  • Cookies
  • Seasonings
  • Most of Campbell soups
  • Frozen dinners
  • Lunch meat

Here is a list of ingredients that may have MSG or other toxic ingredients hidden in it.  It might be best to stay away from anything with these ingredients.  I know it can be hard but that is why making your food from scratch is the safest way to eat.

Check This List Out!

  • Autolyzed Proteins and Yeast
  • Disodium Guanylate
  • Disodium Inosinate
  • Hydrolyzed Proteins (Soy, Vegetable, Whey)
  • Monopotassium Glutamate
  • Natrium Glutamate
  • Natural Flavors
  • Natural Flavorings
  • Natural Meat Flavor
  • Non-milk Powder
  • Nonfat Dry Milk
  • Nutritional Yeast
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Pea Protein
  • Protein Isolate
  • Protein Solids
  • Rice Syrup
  • Seasonings
  • Seaweed
  • Seaweed Extract
  • Separated Protein
  • Smoked Meat
  • Sodium Caseinate
  • Soy Concentrate
  • Soy Lecithin
  • Soy Products
  • Soy Protein
  • Soy Protein Concentrate
  • Soy Protein Isolate
  • Soy Sauce
  • Spice
  • Spices
  • Stock
  • Tamari
  • Tangle Extract
  • Textured Protein
  • Tofu
  • Ultra-Pasteurized
  • Vetsin
  • Vital Gluten
  • Vitamin Enriched
  • Wheat Starch
  • Wheat Gluten
  • Wheat Products
  • Whey
  • Whey Protein
  • Whey Protein Concentrate
  • Xanthan Gums
  • Yeast Extract

I am praying that Robert Kennedy Jr. will hold true to his word to change what food manufacturers are doing to our food system.  But that is going to take time.  We must be proactive now in what we eat, and I am a strong proponent in cooking from scratch.  I promise that over time you will be glad you made this transition.  It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated.  But one thing you will find as you change to cooking from scratch is that it is healthy!!!

Friends, let me help you detox your home. Check out my Detox Your Home Program by clicking this link

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

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PS:  Do you have some organizational issues that need to be addressed?  I have opened a few sessions a week to work with clients who need to address their organizational issues.  Just respond to this email and let me know.

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PSSS If you have a question, you can email me at [email protected]. I respond to every email I receive, and who knows your question just may be one of my Podcast topics.

PSSSS To obtain more information about my Coaching Program, click here.

Can This Ingredient Wreak Havoc to Your Brain?