Have you ever gotten so angry and were then made to feel you were doing something wrong?  Or have you been pummeled to stop your anger and let it go?  Then take a listen to this Podcast and find out what suppressing that anger can do to you.

Here is the Link to this Podcast!

I’d Rather Read Your Message

Last week my Email/Podcast/Blog was addressing a topic that many people deal with and that is feeling unvalued by family or friends.  I also addressed the issue that sometimes this issue compounded with other issues can lead someone into wanting to take their life and not be around any longer.  I hope there are none of my followers or listeners that feel that way.  If you do, please reach out for help Click here to connect with help!.

I also shared with you three instances where the Lord placed on my heart that people in my Church or at a Conference were in that state and by bringing it to the open, they were helped.  I know that in all those instances it was God’s hand that set them free from the bondage they were in.  He can do the same for all.  He is no respecter of persons.

What could have caused these individuals to be in that state?  I personally do not know. But there obviously was an emotional imbalance contributing to this issue.  Could one of those emotional imbalances have been repressed anger?  It wouldn’t surprise me.

Anger is an interesting emotion and one that we get mixed opinions on.

  • Don’t be angry it’s not healthy.
  • Anger is a negative emotion and can bring harm to you and others.
  • We need to be “Christ like” and not express anger. (This one really gets me because I can show you times in the Bible where Christ was angry.)

I believe there is a distinction we need to make.  There is such a thing as “healthy anger”.  When we express healthy anger, we are using that anger as a boundary defense.  Actually, our emotions as a whole are a boundary system.  It allows the nourishing to enter in and keeps out the toxic danger.

If you suppress your emotions and specifically anger, you are also suppressing your immune system.

Were you ever as a child told to “stop that crying” or “stop that whining?”  Now whining is not a trait you want to encourage in your child, but they are a child and need to be taught a healthy way to express what they are feeling.  Not allowing people (especially children) to express their emotions is not healthy nor is it right.

Sadly, growing up in my family expressing emotions was not allowed, and I can only hope I helped my children express their emotions … but I probably too made mistakes.

When we push our anger down, it will turn against you.

It doesn’t just go away.  It’s stuffed down inside us and other gunk is piled upon piled upon piled upon it.  Then this suppressed anger turns against us in the way of negative self- talk or negative self-judgement.

Do you say to yourself when you make a mistake, “Ugh you are so stupid.  You don’t know anything.  You can never figure anything out.”  Or do you judge yourself with, “Oh I can’t learn that new skill, craft or career.”  Negative self-talk or self-judgement is mostly rooted in suppressed anger, and it doesn’t know what to do with itself so negative self-talk and self-judgment spills out.  I lived there for years, and it took God’s healing to move me away from doing that to myself.

When your anger is suppressed, it will affect your immune system.  It will begin to come against you with dis-eases like auto immune dis-ease.  This happens to 70-80% of women and more in minority women (both in the USA and Canada per Dr. Gabor Mate).

Interesting Study

Studies have shown that Indigenous women in Canada have 6 times the rate of Rheumatoid Arthritis compared to other women.  The crazy thing is this is a population that never had auto immune issues.  “Auto Immune dis-eases are not genetic,” says Dr. Gabor Mate.  It has to do with culture repression and oppression.

A healthy emotional system is your healthy boundary defense.  It allows what is needed to come in and nourish you with such emotions as love, joy and peace.  But it also keeps out things like manipulation and toxic energies.  Have you ever been around someone and when you walk away you feel agitated, unsettled, upset, and just plain yucky?  They were releasing toxic energies, and those toxic energies came upon you AND unconsciously you received them.

We want our healthy immune system to:

“Recognize self-versus not self and respond appropriately!”  Source unknown

A healthy immune system will recognize what is good inside you and respond well.  For example, if your immune system is suppressed and weak it could begin to attack the healthy bacteria inside your gut and cause gut issues.  You want your immune system and your emotional system to keep out what’s not you and protect what is.

“When you repress one you are messing with the other,” says Dr. Mate.  That’s called mind/body unity.  We are all one system and that’s why going to a specialist can be good on one hand but not on the other.  That specialist is only concerned with his focused care and doesn’t take the whole body into consideration.

Some of the traits of having your mind/body out of balance could be:

  • Not taking care of yourself
  • Always looking after others and fully feeling like it’s your responsibility
  • Taking responsibilities that are not yours to take
  • Repression of healthy anger
  • Never being able to relax; always on the go
  • Negative self-talk or self-judgement
  • Being of the mindset you must never disappoint anyone (ouch this was me)
  • Being responsible for how others feel (this is something you take on when you are being with or raised by a narcissist)

When these traits are out of balance (and we are talking about being out of balance), you are messing with your immune system.

So how do you deal with your anger?

By releasing it.  Is there someone you need to confront? Then confront them.  I’m not saying go and punch someone out, but I am saying go forth and let them know what they did to you and how angry you are about it.  They may not apologize, and they may not try to make it right.  But you expressed and released that anger.  Now it’s time to let it go and move forward.

I release anger by having some quiet time with the Lord.  I’ve had times that I’ve cried uncontrollably and even screamed about what has happened to me.  I then ask Him to take that pain away and give me His peace and His joy.  He is faithful.

If you have anger that you’ve buried deep down inside of you, then do some digging and get it out.  Could this be why you have heart issues, auto immune issues, sleep issues or even cancer?  Take time to address this in your life so you can be free to let your emotional and immune system do its job that God created it to do.

As always, reach out if you need some guidance in this area.  I have experienced much abuse and heart ache in my life and by God’s Grace and Healing I am free.  You can be too.  Let’s talk.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Please share this message with someone you know who needs to be encouraged!

Can We Have Healthy Anger?