I have something special for you

I recently went through my 12 Week Transform Your Trauma into Peace Coaching Program and updated it with some nice changes.  This revised Program is ready for release.  As a gift I want to share the First Week’s Lesson with you.

Sometimes the word “trauma” intimidates people for a few reasons.

  1. They know they have emotional pain and imbalances but don’t link it to trauma because sometimes we don’t even remember the trauma as we have pushed it away. But even if it’s pushed back and stuffed down does not mean it’s not still there and wreaking havoc in your life.
  2. Second reason is people think trauma means full blown abuse or other harmful events. Yes, those are traumatic but there are other issues that we can experience that can give us a sense of trauma such as betrayal, loss of a job, death of a close friend or family member, divorce, loss of a pet, auto accident, being hospitalized.

Those issues can feel like normal unpleasant events that we all can deal with from time to time and we don’t necessarily consider the trauma that was left behind and how it’s affecting our overall well-being.

I believe the bottom line is how are you feeling?

Are you experiencing fear, overt amounts of anxiety or depression?  Are you not motivated in your work or even everyday life?   Or are you walking in a lot of anger.  Then perhaps my course can help you.

As many of you know I experienced all abuses (sexual, physical, emotional and spiritual) in my life.  I tried therapy for years and even moved into some “new age” practices but never received my full healing.  Fortunately, God protected me from those new age practices.

It truly wasn’t until I allowed God into my life and trusted Him for the fullness of healing and freedom.  I’m not teaching you from textbook education but from my “life” book.  I know what it is like to lay on the bed in a fetal position thinking I’m not going to make it to only have God breathe life and healing into me.

Did my healing happen overnight?  No.  Could it have happened sooner than it did for me?  I absolutely believe so.  But because for years I left God’s way of healing out and strictly followed the world’s way, caused delay in my healing.

So “take a peek” into my course by doing the first Week’s lesson by listening to my Podcast.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Peek Into My Coaching Program for a Free Lesson!

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