We are beginning to walk into our next season … Fall … are you excited!

Today I will to talk with you about “reframing your thinking.”

One of the weeks in my 12 Week Transform Your Trauma into Peace Coaching Program is on the importance of renewing your mind.  I walk you through the process of renewing your mind and giving you the tools to help you succeed.  Because most of my life I experienced trauma after trauma, I had a mindset that definitely needed to be “renewed.”  I lived many years of my life being “negative Nellie.”  It was hard to think of the positive things in life when trauma was all around me.  It had me in prison.

I had to transform my thinking!

But transforming my thinking was something I had to do or else I could be looking at serious health conditions from the trauma living in my body.  So, I made the choice to begin “renewing my mind.” Did it happen overnight?  No and at times it can still be a work in progress.  I’m guessing that one day when I’m in heaven my mind will be 100% renewed but until then I will be progressing in this work.

For the next 8 weeks I am going to offer you some “tips” on reframing your mind/thinking.  Each week we will focus on one issue so you can spend time implementing that change.  This week’s focus is ….

Walk in Faith Instead of Fear!

The world we live in these days can be so hard especially since 2020.  Fear is continually being released in our society as a way to control us.

How can you remove yourself from buying into the fear campaign?

  1. Stop or cut down on listening to the news.When was the last time you heard a “good” or uplifting story on it?
  2. Cut back on social media especially if you find when you get off you feel out of sorts.
  3. Don’t watch horror movies.You just re-traumatize yourself even if it’s for a couple of hours. Your mind does not know the difference between watching a horror movie or actually experiencing.
  4. Wake up each morning with a spirit of gratitude.
  5. End each day with listing 3-5 things that made you happy that day.
  6. Work on removing any past trauma that you have not been healed of.
  7. Lastly, this is the most important for me and that is to read the Word of God.I read my Bible daily so that I can stand on His promises of love, protection, provision and health.

If we cannot believe there is something greater than ourselves, then it is so easy to allow fear to enter into our lives.  Believing that we can live under His shadow and be protected is a powerful and peaceful way to live.

This made me mad and sad!

I was talking to a neighbor the other day and she was saying how utterly frightened she was when the whole covid issue started.  Now she knows the truth about it but back then she was terrified.  Daily terrified she said.  I told her I was not scared for a second.  And I didn’t say that to her in a prideful way nor was I trying to say I was better than her.  I was hoping to help her not let society make her afraid.  Because you see I knew that I knew that God would protect me and that I had nothing to be afraid of.  How?  Because I stood on His Truth and His Promises in Psalm 91.

If there is a God who created us, then why is it so hard to believed He can protect us?  It takes work and it takes time to get there but it is a place you can live in.  I did not always believe that I could be protected by God because as I’ve shared before I had much trauma in my life, and I believed the enemy was bigger than God.

But that’s a lie and once I saw that and “chose” to believe differently, my life changed, and now I walk in more and more peace.

Begin by taking my simple suggestions above to help you start removing the fear from your life but honestly the best suggestion is #7.  It is a perfect and promising suggestion.  I hope you decide to take it.

Do you need help making that transition, click this link and let’s schedule some time to chat.  I’d be happy to help you move into that place to begin re-framing your mind/thoughts.

Blessing, love and hope!

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you.

Reframing Your Thinking to Walk in Freedom!