What are the things you do in your life to relieve some stress, have some fun and support your brain?  Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of having a hobby.  If you don’t have one or have one and haven’t been enjoying it, perhaps this message is for you.  I’m glad you are here.  Let’s get started.

Here is the Link to this Podcast!

I’d Rather Read Your Message

Welcome friends to Giving You a Fresh Start After Trauma.  Regina Sanchez here, your Spiritual Life and Health Coach.  As always, I’m so glad you are here and before we get started, as you are listening to this message and you think of someone who would benefit hearing it, please pass it along.  I would appreciate it and I’m sure they will as well.  Also, I just found out that there was a disconnect on my website that when people tried to connect with me through it, they were not getting through.  I was not getting the message.  If that’s been you, please forgive me.  It’s fixed today.  Ok now let’s really get started.

So today I want to discuss with you the importance of having a hobby.

It’s so sad to know that many people have been harmed from traumatic experiences and are not healed. Currently, I mentor two young moms.   It seems that the traumatic events that happened to them as a child are manifesting themselves now.  The beautiful thing is they both love the Lord, are following Him so He is doing some wonderful things in their life to bring healing.  He is faithful.

Now you might ask what does hobbies have to do with healing from trauma?  Well, if you have not read my prior Blog/Podcast on how quilting showed me I, in fact, had been healed of a specific issue in my life, here is the link  to the Podcast for you to  listen to.

Link to my Quilting Podcast

Now I’m not saying you need to have experienced trauma in your life to now pick up a hobby.  Hobbies are great for all people.  Why?  Because they give us so much more to our life.

Here are a few reasons to consider having a hobby:

  1. Hobbies help let go of stress

If you are feeling anxious or stressed, picking up your hobby of choice can help you shift your brain from the roller coaster ride of ruminating your issue and bringing your thoughts in another direction.  Your hands are doing something, and your brain is thinking of the next step you need to take in your craft.

  1. Gives you an opportunity to play

You know as an adult this was hard for me.  Because of my childhood trauma, I had to mature faster than was healthy.  I was not allowed to enjoy being a child like one should.  Being always anxious to become an adult made it hard to enjoy childhood.  I believed that the sooner I became an adult, the sooner I could have control of my life.  (That was a surprise.). We all need down time or “play” time.  Life cannot be all work and no play.  Even back in the 1700/1800s when life was full of work, families realized they needed down time or playtime.  Do you find it hard to play?  Consider picking up a hobby.

  1. Activates your creative juices and helps you to experiment

I believe we all have a level of creativity in us and if we don’t express it, there can be a level of frustration.  Is your career or your life so overwhelming that you only get to use the left side of your brain?  Adapting a hobby into your life will help you perhaps express the right side of your brain and get your creative juices in operation.  This could even help your career.

Let’s Look at a few more!

  1. Gives you an opportunity for self-expression

Once again, when we create, we get to release that self-expression in ourselves.  I belong to a Quilters Guild and each month we have Show and Tell.  It’s amazing the creativity of these women that God has gifted them with.

  1. Allows you the opportunity to make mistakes and be ok with them

This was a big one for me because you see I grew up believing I was stupid.  If I tackled a project and made a mistake it only confirmed my stupidity.  I allowed no leeway for learning because in the process of learning you will make mistakes. Quilting helped me to be ok with my mistakes.  When I make one, I just take a deep breath, take it apart and fix it.  There was one night I made a mistake in the same area 4 times.  Instead of getting frustrated, I literally laughed at myself.  That was a BIG breakthrough for me.

  1. Stretches your brain to learn

Studies show how important it is to use your brain … especially as we age.  In my vocabulary, “retirement” is not a thing I think about.  Even if one day I stop my coaching or my writing, I will replace it with something else.  I don’t want to be like my parents who worked hard all their life and retired to only sit in front of the TV most of the time.  We MUST stretch our brain.

Do you have a hobby?  If not, perhaps this list will spark some juices in you to start one.

  • Quilting
  • Sewing
  • Scrapbooking
  • Card Making
  • Jewelry Making
  • Photography
  • Wood working
  • Building doll houses
  • Gardening
  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Dancing
  • Painting
  • Play an instrument
  • Writing
  • Learn a new language
  • Birdwatching
  • Candle making
  • Calligraphy
  • Drawing
  • Hiking
  • Reading

So how about you?  Did any of the hobbies above spark an interest and cause you to want to begin something?  If you don’t have a hobby, I hope you decide to move forward with one.  Don’t allow your career or the issues of life hold you back from releasing the creativity God has placed inside of you.  Don’t waste that gift.

If you need some love, support and guidance, please feel free to reach out https://reginasanchez.com/talkwithregina/ I’d love to spend some time chatting with you.  There is no cost to our chat.  Always know I’m here for you.

Blessings and love,

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Please share this message with someone you know who needs to be encouraged!

Why Do We Need Hobbies?

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