Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet.

I actually do both.  Sweet cherries I eat and the tart cherries I take in the way of Tart Cherry Juice.

So, what is so wonderful about cherries?

  • Well for one they are so sweet.  It’s hard to stop eating them.
  • They are packed with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and potassium.
  • Cherries are a great source of fiber for your digestive track.
  • They are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • Tart cherries and their juice can help with muscle recovery after exercise and are great for aiding in sleep. Many studies show that tart cherry juice can improve your sleep.  I drink about 2 – 3 ounces every night before bed.
  • Diets rich in fruit can help reduce heart disease.  Studies show one cup of sweet cherries will give you 10% of the daily requirement for potassium.  Potassium is a mineral that is essential for a healthy heart.
  • It is possible that cherries will improve symptoms of arthritis and gout.

So how do “cherries” compare to things in your life?

  • Are things “sweet” in your life right now?  Do you have joy more days than not?
  • What is your food intake like?  Are you providing the proper nutrients to keep your gut healthy which in turn will help reduce the feelings of anxiety and depression?
  • What situations in your life right now are causing you to be “inflamed” with anger, disappointment, worry and even rage?
  • Is your stress level so high in your life that your body aches. Do you know studies show that everyday stressors can cause misalignments in your spine which is called subluxations.  Subluxations can lead to various diseases because the inadequate functioning of your body.
  • Is your life full of the “fruit of the spirit” which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and self-control?
  • What has your heart aching right now?  Has there been so many disappointments or trauma that there is a shield or wall around your heart?
  • Is arthritis beginning to develop in your joints.  They say this can have a root of resentments or unforgiveness in your life.
  • Lastly, is your sleep so bad that you feel like you are a zombie walking around all day?

Is there good news?

The good news is you can turn things around so you feel like life is a “bowl of cherries”, but you will need to make some lifestyle changes to accomplish that.  Many times, we feel overwhelmed with all the things in our life that seem out of control.  It overwhelms us so much that we become paralyzed.  Know that you can make those desired changes by focusing on one change at a time.  I remember years ago when I was working with my clients to organize a space and the clutter in that area was overwhelming.  There was so much “stuff” all over the place that my client had no clue how to start.

Well start we did by focusing on one small area at a time.  You can do the same.  Is your pantry full of processed foods, then perhaps that is where you should start.  Or are you eating meat that are from CAFO farms, then maybe start there.  Sometimes are food intact is ok so perhaps looking at your cosmetics or toiletries is the start.  Whatever changes that you need to make, just start with one and let all the others go.

Know that you don’t have to make ALL changes at the same time.  Start small with an easy change.  I always tell my clients this.  Let’s start small so you can experience some quick results.  This will help you to keep going.

Lastly, when I have a hard time doing something that I don’t want to do or find hard to do, I literally pray for God to let His Grace in me give me the power and strength to accomplish that specific task.  It works every time for me … and I mean every time.

So, friends, don’t be on overwhelm. That in of itself is not a way to live.  Take one step at a time and eventually you will have mastered that desired change.

Be blessed and encouraged and know that you are loved and appreciated.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?