Many people think that coaches are a new profession.  Throughout all our lives we’ve had coaches helping us without realizing it.  When you had a good teacher that guided you towards a goal, that was a coach.  Or a friend who’s “been there done that” and now are helping you get there, is working with a coach.  How about playing a sport?  You have a coach who trains, guides, and organizes the team for victory.  Even a parent or family member who really works with you to bring you to victory in your situation is defined as a coach.  So having a formalized profession of Coaches is not really new.

Are You In Need of  Assistance?

What were those times in your life when you needed assistance on a plan, issue, or a goal and a person helped you?  They were coaching you along to help you reach your desired goal.

Are you in a place right now where having someone come along side you would be “what the doctor ordered.”  But before you decide whether working with a Coach in your life would be beneficial, let me tell you what a Coach is and is not.  It doesn’t matter what type of Coach you are possibly considering working with (Life, Health, Career, etc.), a Coach is not a Counselor.  A Counselor helps you deal with issues from the past and counsels you towards healing.

What a Coach Wants to Know

A Coach on the other hand wants to know what your goal is and will propel you into reaching that goal.  Your goal must be decided by you.

A Coach

  • Will help you obtain clarity with your goals.
  • Will help you find what’s holding you back, look at your options for moving forward, and then create a game plan to move you towards that goal.
  • Asks compelling questions to help you discover that the answers to your questions are really inside you.
  • Walks with you as you move forward on your goal.
  • Helps you re-calibrate your GPS
  • Assists you to see what has you stuck or paralyzed.
  • Motivates you to thrive in life and not just survive.
  • Guides you to become your best self.
  • Helps you fall in love with your life.
  • Encourages you live on purpose and with purpose.
  • Aids you in developing or strengthening your spiritual life.

Are you stuck in a cycle?

There are times in our life where we can get stuck in a pattern and we just don’t know how to get out of it.  Or there are times in our life when we are trying to make changes regarding some issues but find it hard to get clarity.  It’s those times where a Coach can help you navigate the steps needed for success.

  • Because we need support, love, and encouragement from time to time.
  • Or we are in need of guidance, wisdom, and fresh new ideas.
  • Many times we need someone to help us take charge of our life.
  • Lastly we could need someone to awaken what is in us to bring that change.

Of course, working with a Coach must be a good fit.  It must be a person you trust and respect and one that will respect you back. An effective Coach will never judge, condemn, or demean you but only help encourage and inspire you to success.

What are the issues in your life that need change, but are paralyzing you in making the necessary changes?   If you don’t makes the necessary changes, then week after week you will find yourself in the same place.  Unless you consider working with a Coach.  It will prove to be beneficial.  Take that first step, it’s an easy one.  Schedule a free Discovery Call.  Working together will get you to your desired goal.

In summary, invest in yourself … you are worth it. Schedule a free Discovery Call

I will help and encourage you to success!

Your Spiritual Life and Health Coach … believing in you!

Will Working With a Coach Propel Me to My Goal?