Do You Have This Chemical In Your Body?

Do you have chlormequat in your body?  You just might especially if you eat Quaker Oats or Cheerios. Your well-being is not just isolated to one specific area of your life.  It encompasses all aspects of your life.  From your career, your relationships, your spiritual life and your diet … to name a few.  When […]

Will Working With a Coach Propel Me to My Goal?

Many people think that coaches are a new profession.  Throughout all our lives we’ve had coaches helping us without really realizing it.  When you had a good teacher that guided you towards a goal, that was a coach.  Or a friend who’s “been there done that” and now are helping you get there, is working […]

Who or What Defines You?

So many of us walk in an “untruth” of who we are.  We have let people, careers, and situations put a label on us that we carry throughout our life.  Those lies we believe about ourselves are always in the back of our mind.  From time to time they pop to the fore front.  We […]

Do You Have a Vision For Your Life?

I love this statement from Helen Keller when asked, “What is worse than not having sight?”   “Having sight but not having vision!” Wow, that statement is so impactful.  How many of us go through life drifting along being content with just doing our job and coming home?  How many of us never have had […]

Circle of Life … Health!

Last week, we talked about Joy and the importance of having a life filled with joy.  Do you feel that your life is full of joy, or do you have an overwhelmed life and depression seems to have more control over you?  Don’t stay there.  You can move out of that place in your life […]

Circle of Life … Joy!

Last week we talked about home cooking and that it can be simple to take control of what you are eating.  I hope you incorporated more home cooking into your family meals this past week even if it was just a few.  I also hope you involved the family in this event and made it […]

Circle of Life … home cooking!

Last week the “spoke” we talked about on the Circle of Life was your social life and the importance of having fun and enjoying other people’s company.  Were any of my suggestions helpful for expanding your network of people to socialize with?  Drop me a note and let me know your thoughts. This week we […]

Circle of Life … your social life!

Last week we talked about your finances.  For those who downloaded my Excel Budget Spread Sheet, did you find it helpful?  I hope so.  I’m sure all categories don’t specifically apply to you.  But they are easy to change to meet your specific needs. This week we are going to look at the area of […]

Circle of Life … your finances!

Last week we talked about your education.  What do you think of my thoughts on how to continue growing your educational area in your life?  Would love to hear your thoughts. This week we are going to look at the area of your finances.  We are reaching the end of the Circle of Life with […]

Circle of Life … your creativity!

Last week we talked about your Home Environment on the Circle of Life.  Were you able to make any changes in your home environment or does your home already give you that peace, rest, and comfort you need?  Do you have questions about tackling any of those home projects, I’m here for you! This week […]