Sometimes it takes a while to realize we have been healed from a certain aspect of our experienced trauma and it’s not until something similar comes along to confirm that.  Well, that’s what my quilting has shown me. Take a listen to this latest Podcast Healed Trauma Confirmed Through Quilting! You too can receive healing and have the emotional pain that seems to reside in your body gone and begin to walk in the fullness of life.  Don’t wait any longer to get started.  You will be glad you did.  Take a listen and be encouraged.

Click here to take a listen!


I saw this image and had to save it to write a Blog post and do a PODCAST on it.  There is so much truth in this statement and I want to expand on it further.  I’ve been through so much healing in my life and the Lord has beautifully healed me from several abuses and like I said recently I had confirmation of that.

My Quilting Showed Me My Healing!

It wasn’t until I started quilting did, I realize the verbal abuse I endured from my dad was healed.  What a delight it’s been to have that confirmation.

You know we all need something in our life that helps us use the creativity that God placed in our lives. Creativity is something we all have no matter what you think.  Using your creativity doesn’t have to mean you are a fabulous pianist or a beautiful painter.  Your creativity could be creating beautiful gardens or just a vase full of flowers.  It could be writing poetry or designing a beautiful memory book.  Or maybe it’s designing a beautifully decorated home for you and your family.  My point is we all have a creative gift in our life, and we must release the expression of that gift.

God Had Given Me Another Level of Healing!

The statement that I read so moved me because I realized God had given me another level of healing and I had that confirmation through my quilting.  Let me explain.

Years ago, when I was in high school … and that was years ago, I would sew most of my clothes.  Did I love it? Not really.  I got frustrated so many times and God bless my mother for her patience.  You see I had stupidity so ingrained in my belief system from my dad that the minute I came upon a stumbling block in the pattern and couldn’t understand what it was saying, I got frustrated and angry because I believed I was stupid.  Or if I made a mistake and had to take it apart to redo it, I got angry.

Thank the Lord for My Mom!

My very patient mom would help me get through it and sometimes she would even take it apart and fix it.  Gosh I was difficult to work with back then.  I didn’t pursue sewing after that but in my late twenties I made some window treatments for a home we were moving into.  Some of those window treatments were a little tricky but I had the help of my sister or my mom to get me through.

I then put aside sewing, but about 5 years ago I began expressing a desire to learn to quilt.  So, my beautiful daughter gave me a Christmas gift of a Beginner’s Quilting Class and a Gift Card to purchase the fabric.  I had all the supplies and was ready to get started but then covid hit and the class was postponed and postponed and finally canceled.  It was so frustrating because I really wanted to learn to do this.  The Quilt Store was nice enough to give me the pattern and I found a quilt teacher to show me how.  That was back in 2021 and I’ve been quilting since.  Since I started, I’ve made 9 quilts thus far and have no intention of stopping.


Because I am continuing to receive such healing through this process.  How?  Well quilting is a very long and slow process.  I haven’t kept track, but I’d say it takes easily over 40 hours to make a quilt.  I’ve always been someone who wants results quickly, but you cannot have that with quilting.  I had one quilt that I had to cut 640 2 ½ x 2 ½ inches squares.  Now that took some time.

But I learned that working a little at a time eventually gets you to the end.  Funny, this is what I teach my organizing clients.  Also, I have made mistakes but that’s ok.  I keep working at it and even fixing my mistakes and I don’t any longer have my mom with me to help me fix them.

The other night I worked on a very simple quilt and had to take apart an area 4 times.  Instead of getting frustrating and angry I laughed at myself and said, “Girl are you ever going to get this right?”  Well, I did and so far, it is adorable.

We all need a way to utilize the right side (creativity) of our brain.  If we stay on the left side (logic and reason),we can get on overload.  We need balance in everything in our life.  Including our brain.

Why Women Quilt?

I recently found an article “Why Women Quilt” and found it interesting.  They listed 10 reasons why women quilt.  It would say I fit at least 5 of the reasons.

  1. Self-expression
  2. Charity
  3. Make Do
  4. Healing
  5. Art
  6. Domesticity
  7. Camaraderie
  8. Religion
  9. Health
  10. Legacy

Which Reasons Apply to Me?

I love the self-expression I get to use because I might follow a pattern but I’m choosing the fabric and designs of the fabric. I also designed one myself.  Being charitable blesses my heart because frankly I’m making these quilts and giving them away.  I may try to sell some, but I’ve given a number of them away.

It is incredibly healing for me as I get to work through past trauma, pain and false belief systems I’ve adopted.  Quilting is  like an art for me as I get to use my God given creativity.  What can I say about camaraderie.  There is nothing more fun than getting together with my crafting friends and quilting at an all day Saturday event. 

“When we find moments of creating in our everyday activities,we also find simple satisfaction.”  — Church of Craft

And how about my health.  Doing something you love and something that is causing your brain to continue to grow can be nothing but healthy.  Lastly, leaving a legacy. I hope that my quilting gifts will be something everyone remembers me from.  I want to impart my heart of love for people through my quilts to let others know they are loved as well. 

“In the past, a woman didn’t leave much behind in the world to show she’s been there.  Even the children she bore and raised got their father’s name.  But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on.”  Sandra Dallas

So, what is your craft of choice.

What do you do to release that creativity in yourself.

Let’s chat if you are unsure so we can uncover your God given gift and get you started.  You will be happy you did.  I promise.  I would love to coach you into something that would bring you love, joy, health and even peace.  Let’s schedule a 30-minute free chat by clicking the link below.

Also, if this message blessed you, please give it a like and share it with others.  So many people are living with their trauma and don’t even realize they can be healed and walk in the fullness of life.  Please know I’m speaking from experience.

Lastly, my mission and passion is also to help you know that you are loved by the creator of the universe.  He created you perfectly and knowing His love will bring tremendous healing.  You can read about my journey to the Love of My Father in Can I Have Your Heart … Daddy?  The link to purchase my book is below.

Be blessed friends and be encouraged.  You are loved!  Thanks for listening.

Your Spiritual Life and Health Coach … believing in you!

Healed Trauma Confirmed Through My Quilting!