As a child, one of the wise things my mom did was give me chores. There are four girls in my family but only three of us had chores. My youngest sister was a little too young to take on that responsibility. So, the household cleaning was divided amongst the three of us. Every Saturday morning before we could go outside to play, we had to do our chores. It was a great habit we were taught.
I had different responsibilities from time to time but most of the time I had the bathrooms. I think this is why cleaning bathrooms is not my favorite part of cleaning my home today. My parents had their own (tiny) bathroom as well as the family one. Neither were very large, but the greater part of the walls was tile. Every Saturday I would take out Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner, spray the walls down and then wipe them clean. They did come clean for sure but what was not realized during that time were the toxic chemicals in this cleaner. Because our bathrooms were so small, they did not give me enough air space to clear out these toxic chemicals before I had the ability to breathe them in. I never even thought to open the windows. Unfortunately, 50+ years ago we did not understand the dangers of these products.
Check out the Environmental Working Group (EWG)
Take a look at what Environmental Working Group (EWG) has addressed regarding this product EWG’s Rating for Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner According to EWG, Scrubbing Bubbles got rated “F” for safety. Two of the top ingredients can cause developmental/endocrine/reproductive issues. Could this be why my menstrual cycle was so messed up as an adolescent and into my adult life and why my two pregnancies were “iffy” at one point? And could this be why I lost a 3rd child? Did this product totally mess up my hormones? I don’t know but I am all the wiser now regarding what I clean my home with and especially my bathroom.
What are some of the chemicals we need to be concerned with that can be in our cleaning products?
Here are some:
- Formaldehyde – this chemical is linked to several respiratory and skin issues. But the greater concern is its link to ALS, cancer, or other neurological system diseases.
- PERC or Perchloroethylene – this chemical is linked to breast, colon, and lung cancer. It also can harm your kidneys, liver, or CNS (central nervous system).
- Phthalates – this chemical has been linked to ADD, asthma, neurodevelopment issues or breast cancer.
- Ammonia – this chemical can cause damage to your throat, nose and respiratory tract, your skin, and eyes. It can also cause blindness when you have great exposure to it.
- Bleach – this chemical can irritate your eyes, mouth, lungs, and your skin. People with breathing problems and asthma can be harmed further from this chemical. In young children, it can burn their tissue externally or internally. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT EVER MIX BLEACH AND AMMONIA. IT CAN CAUSE A GAS CALLED PHOSGENE OR MUSTARD GAS. IT IS ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS BY-PRODUCTS OF BLEACH. IT CAN ALSO DAMAGE YOUR AIRWAYS OR EVEN CAUSE DEATH IF YOUR EXPOSURE TO IT IS LONG ENOUGH.
- Synthetic Fragrance – these chemicals now are being classified as the new “second-hand smoke” and is linked to many health issues such as respiratory illness, hormone disruption, ADD, ADHD, and more.
So, what can you do?
Don’t be discouraged. There are options. You can be adventurous and make your own cleaning products if you have the time or you can purchase “healthy & safe” products.
Two companies to consider are My Green Fills as well as Branch Basics
You will also find “safe” products at your local health food stores but as always read the labels. I used to use 7thGeneration but have stopped since they’ve changed their ingredients after they got bought out by Unilever.
We all need to be consumer conscience and understand the ingredients that are in the products we clean with and even the food we eat. But knowing what is toxic in your home can feel overwhelming. I understand. I’ve been studying this for over 40 years. So, if this feels overwhelming to you, then let me help.
Check a Program to Help You Remove Toxins From Your Home
Try my Detox Your Home Program. I will review the products in all the rooms of your home (because toxic chemicals can be everywhere) and show you what you should consider removing. But I won’t leave you there. You will receive a full report of what is toxic and what you could replace it with. Here is a link to read more.
Turning people’s health around by building a strong and robust immune system is one of my goals and my passion. But also, educating people on the toxins in their home is important because these toxins can mess up your emotions and if you are healing from trauma, you don’t need to add to emotional imbalances that you are currently struggling with. Why add to your depression and anxiety because of the chemicals in your home.
I look forward to hearing from you to help get you and your family Revived, Rejuvenated & Restored to a better place of peace, joy and health! Here is the Link to Connect with Me!
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