How many of us have had a dream to only have it destroyed or killed by the life around us?  You grew up with something on your heart that you wanted to accomplish, create or conqueror to only have life issues take it all away.

I know I have.  I grew up with two dreams.  One was to be a mom and a wife.  To have a loving husband and the gift of children.  I wanted to have a family that was full of love and adventure.  I wanted to raise my children in an environment that I didn’t have as a child.

My Second Dream

My second dream was to be a teacher.  I used to eat, drink and play being a teacher.  My next-door neighbor and I would play teacher all the time.  We played being on the playground with our young students, calling them to line up and even reprimanded those that were out of line.  You can just imagine where our imaginations went.

Sadly, life, circumstances and trauma got the best of me and caused such a kink in my dreams.  I did not go on to be a teacher because frankly “I was too stupid.”  How was I going to learn in college when learning in my younger years was so hard?  I did get married and had two wonderful children, but we did not have the best family situation and it was not the environment I wanted them to grow up in.

Can We Still Have Our Dreams?

Can I do it over and still have my dreams?  On some level yes because one of the things I teach my coaching clients is we always have a fresh start each and every day.  I’m too old to have children but I could meet a nice gentleman that is loving, respectful and caring of me and my children.

I could also go back to school and become a teacher.  Well, I have decided to take a fresh start for my life.  I am now a teacher, author and coach helping women get beyond their trauma.  Marriage, well, I’m leaving that in God’s Hands.

So, what are you running from?  Stop running and create a fresh start for yourself.  Let your pain become your inspiration.  Then you and others will have something to believe in.  Many times, we must face our fears.  We have to look that fear in the face and so no more.  You are not going to control me, manipulate me or cause me to live as a victim.  One of the best revenges we can have against the negative life issues we have faced is to thrive.  We don’t have to try to “get back” at the person or persons who harmed us.  No!  By simply thriving will be the best revenge you can take.


Because you are saying, “The harm you caused me to endure may have pulled me down for a while.  But I’m picking myself up and giving myself a fresh start.  Today I’m starting over and no matter how long it takes me to succeed, I’m going to make it!”

Know that facing your fears or the trauma you experienced is not experiencing the physical act again.  When I was going through my healing for sexual abuse and wanting to run out of the room, my counselor would say to me, “Stay with it Regina.  This is just the memory, not the physical act.”  As painful as it was, I stayed with it and then when I calmed down, I was able to ask the Lord to bring healing to that pain and just like that the pain was gone.  The pain over that specific situation was gone.  I walked out of her office free!

Let me ask you again, has life killed your dream?  Don’t let that dream stay buried in the depth of your heart.  Let’s revive that dream or create a new one.  I can help you revive what is dormant or dead inside you and bring it back to life.

In closing this message …

I want to share this video clip.  Every time I hear it, I could cry because it blesses my heart so much.  This song sung by Susan Boyle is so on target to what many of us have gone through.  Here is this 40-year-plus-old woman who goes on stage on Britain’s Got Talent because she wants to be a singer like Elaine Page.  The audience and judges roll their eyes UNTIL she opens her mouth and begins to sing.

I would venture to guess that life killed her dream of being a singer and the song was so apropos for her situation.  But somewhere along the line she gave herself a fresh start and auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent and was chosen to move forward and perform before the 3 judges and audience.  But when she sang, she knocked their socks off.  Take a listen.  I’m sure it will bless you like it blessed me.  Take a listen here.

Remember you have the ability every day to have a fresh start.  Reach out if you need help sorting through the pain and chaos life may have brought you.  Together we can get that dream back.

Your Spiritual Life and Health Coach … believing in you!

Has Life Killed the Dream You Dreamed?