How Can You Feel Loved Even During Your Divorce? 

Feeling rejected and abandoned from your marriage partner in your Divorce who you vowed to be with in sickness and health can leave you feeling so unloved.  How can you feel loved even in the midst of your divorce and this battle?  As much as we want “human” love, there is a love that is […]

Deep Breathing to Release Anxiety!

There are a number of things you can do to release anxiety in your body and depending on the level of anxiety and how long it’s lived in your body will depend on how quickly you can purge it from your body.  Living with high levels of anxiety and stress is not healthy for you […]

New Study on Safety of Aspartame!

A few weeks ago, I did a Blog post Is Aspartame Safe For You?  If you haven’t read that Post, here is the link for easy access  Blog – Is Aspartame Safe For You?.  Today I want to continue this discussion on the safety of Aspartame from a study done by the International Agency for […]

Are You Managing Your Stress Well?

Living in a state of continual stress is so dangerous to our overall health and so many of us are living in that “fight or flight” mode.  Our sympathetic system can be at an all-time high and we never allow our bodies to get into a balanced state and into our parasympathetic system. Living in […]

How to Not Walk in Fear During Your Divorce!

In my last Podcast, I talked about fear being your biggest enemy and not your ex-spouse.  In this Podcast, I will teach you how to not walk in that fear and what tools you have to help you accomplish that.  Remember walking in fear will keep you immobilized, unable to make good decisions and eventually […]

The Perfect Promise!

There is a perfect promise that Father God wants us to take a hold of so we can have victory in our adversarial situations.  Take a listen to this Podcast and hear how I took hold of this promise and applied it in a few adversarial issues in my life and had complete success.  The […]

Are You Desperate For Change?

Many times, in our state of frustration we express our desire for change only to find that we are easily swayed back into our old ways. We may think that we’ve reached our limits and we are ready to move into another direction but find that the pit we are in can still pull us […]

Do You Have Faith To Receive?

Our Heavenly Father has so many promises for us and sadly we struggle with receiving them.  When we are going through a divorce, have been abandoned or walk in total rejection, it can be hard to receive the Father’s promises.  But the Father does not want us walking in defeat.  God does not want us […]

Our Heavenly Father Delights in You!

When we experience the tragedy of divorce in our life it is so important to know that there is one who “delights in us” and that is our Heavenly Father.  Feeling rejected, abandoned and unloved can spiral us into a realm of depression, anxiety and fear.  Coming to know the one who delights in you […]

Let’s Balance Your Emotions with Siberian Fir!

This is the last Essential Oil for Balancing Emotions.  My next series will be on helping you stay focused.  Today I’m presenting to you Siberian Fir Essential Oil.  Siberian Fir will provide you with a tranquil, positive feeling and can enhance a soothing massage. Why I Love Siberian Fir I love, love, love this oil […]