Are You Managing Your Stress Well?

Living in a state of continual stress is so dangerous to our overall health and so many of us are living in that “fight or flight” mode.  Our sympathetic system can be at an all-time high and we never allow our bodies to get into a balanced state and into our parasympathetic system. Living in […]

How to Not Walk in Fear During Your Divorce!

In my last Podcast, I talked about fear being your biggest enemy and not your ex-spouse.  In this Podcast, I will teach you how to not walk in that fear and what tools you have to help you accomplish that.  Remember walking in fear will keep you immobilized, unable to make good decisions and eventually […]

The Perfect Promise!

There is a perfect promise that Father God wants us to take a hold of so we can have victory in our adversarial situations.  Take a listen to this Podcast and hear how I took hold of this promise and applied it in a few adversarial issues in my life and had complete success.  The […]

You Can Be Established in Righteous!

This next teaching is to bring you hope knowing what the Father wants and has for you.   He desires you to be established in righteousness! Oppression and depression are something you can remove from your life and receive His promises of peace and righteousness.  Then when we are walking in that righteousness there is […]

Let’s Balance Your Emotions with Siberian Fir!

This is the last Essential Oil for Balancing Emotions.  My next series will be on helping you stay focused.  Today I’m presenting to you Siberian Fir Essential Oil.  Siberian Fir will provide you with a tranquil, positive feeling and can enhance a soothing massage. Why I Love Siberian Fir I love, love, love this oil […]

Peace Essential Oil Brings Balance!

Yes Peace Brings Balance!  Our next Essential Oil for Balancing emotions is called PEACE.  The name says it all. How to Use PEACE You can diffuse at nighttime to help your body relax from a stressful day or you can apply one drop to your hands and inhale it deeply.  Even applying a drop or […]

Fear Not! Don’t Be Afraid!

Today I’m going to talk with you about one of the enemy’s biggest weapons and that is fear.  When we allow fear into our life, we are also saying yes to the enemy controlling us.  Listen to this Podcast where I teach you what fear is (this may surprise you) and how do you get […]

Melissa Essential Oil Is More Than You Think!

Melissa Essential Oil is our next oil for Balancing your emotions.  It is a very powerful oil for calming your tension, but it also is great for virus issues. One thing I’ve dwelt with since I was a child is cold sores.  I believe I got it from my mom because she suffered from them […]

How This Truth Kept Me Stable!

During the trauma of my divorce, there were many times I didn’t think I was going to make it.  No court ordered support was coming.  Dates to get back in court could take up to 60 days.  House going into foreclosure and on and on.  It was this truth that kept me stable during this […]

How Are You Managing Your Digital Photos!

I am all about alleviating stress and helping people live in peace.  What could be a very devastating thing that could happen to you that would cause the utmost stress and take your peace away? Let’s go back to when I was working full time as a Professional Organizer with an added service of Photo […]