Hidden Chemicals in Your Food

Sometimes something that is bad has a purpose of showing you something good.  Let me explain. About 23 years ago my now 24-year-old son, Joseph, was 18 months old.  He developed night terrors.  I thought perhaps he had an ear infection and that is why he would wake up screaming after being asleep for a […]

Traditional vs Holistic/Functional Medicine

Not too long ago, I was in the Hospital tending the needs of my soon to be 90 year old mom.  I brought her to the ER because I thought she might have an UTI, which would explain her confusion, and a possible mini stroke.  After spending some time in the ER, she was admitted […]

Does God Want Me Well?

This is probably one of the most controversial issues in the Christian community. “Does God Want Me Well” or “Is it God’s will to heal me?” I firmly believe it is. But if you don’t “firmly” believe that it is, it will be harder (not impossible) but harder for you to walk in your healing […]