Why is it So Hard to Trust After Trauma?

“Where are you, Lord?  Why does this keep happening to me?  Why aren’t you stopping this, Lord?  Why does it seem that the enemy keeps having the upper hand?”  How many times have you asked those questions?  I know I had for years and sometimes it was daily.  I found it hard to trust … […]

Healing From Trauma and Being Unsupported!

The pain one goes through as they are being healed from trauma can be enough.  Then to add not having the support of family and friends can compound the pain.  Sometimes it just adds fuel to the fire that is already burning out of control.  But don’t let that keep you from moving forward.  There […]

Healed Trauma Confirmed Through My Quilting!

Recently I saw this image and had to save it to write a Blog post and do a PODCAST on it.  There is so much truth in this statement and I want to expand on it further.  I’ve been through so much healing in my life and the Lord has beautifully healed me from several […]

Healed Trauma Confirmed Through Quilting!

Sometimes it takes a while to realize we have been healed from a certain aspect of our experienced trauma and it’s not until something similar comes along to confirm that.  Well, that’s what my quilting has shown me. Take a listen to this latest Podcast Healed Trauma Confirmed Through Quilting! You too can receive healing […]

What Has Been Your Journey With Trauma?

Unhealed trauma can take you on a journey or path that is not one that the Father has destined for you.  But many times, you don’t realize that unhealed trauma is what is causing your pain.  Sometimes the trauma has been stuffed so far down that you don’t even remember it.   Then other times […]

What Will Your Divorce Crisis Show About You?

There are ebbs and flows in the whole divorce or abandonment process.  Sometimes there is relief and then there are times the process can make you feel like you are going crazy.  When there is a reprieve, it’s nice.  But then the intensity fuels up and life feels insane once again.  When you have these […]

In a Divorce Who is Your Perfect Lawyer? 

When we are going through a divorce, we want to find the perfect lawyer.  One that will represent us well.  This is a valid need but the lawyer I’m talking about is not one that has Esquire after their name.  Take a listen to this recent Podcast to find out who your “perfect Lawyer” would […]

Essential Oils for Emotional Support … in summary!

As I continue my series regarding the use of Essential Oils for Emotional Support, I decided to give you the complete list for ease as opposed to sending them one by one.  I have included the prior ones I sent to you on using Essential Oils for Balance.  The next segment was going to be […]

Are You Forsaken or Redeemed?

As we continue my teaching on Isaiah 54 and its beautiful promises, I believe this Podcast will bless your heart, bring encouragement and give you the strength to keep moving forward.  Divorce is hard and so many times we feel we aren’t going to make it.  That’s a lie.  You can, my friend, make it […]

Weekly Drops of Wisdom – doTerra Lemon Essential Oil

Last week’s Weekly Drops of Wisdom, I stated that I believed there are 3 Essential Oils that are a must for every home. Peppermint Essential Oil Lemon Essential Oil Lavender Essential Oil In last week’s message, I discussed the beauty of doTerra Peppermint Essential Oil.  If you didn’t read that message, you can click the […]