Let it Be Stress-Free Holiday Planning Year!

October is the perfect time to begin preparing for the Holidays (Thanksgiving, Hanukkah & Christmas).  Hanukkah is VERY early this year (November 28, 2021) so prepare earlier than you would for Christmas (if you celebrate both).                                                 To Do the Month of October ☐Make any travel plans during the Thanksgiving/Hanukkah/Christmas Season. ☐Review your Holiday Decorations.  […]

Keep All Your Medical Information in One Place

A few years ago, from 2012 – 2019, my sister and I were our parents Power of Attorney (POA) and Medical Representatives.  This meant we were to help navigate their finances and medical care.  Both my parents had several medical issues and were either in the ER or a Doctor’s office often.  When they would […]

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

Clutter can be found in many places: Individual rooms of our home Garages Attics Basements Closets Cabinets File Cabinets Refrigerators Photo Boxes Yards Sheds Automobiles Pocketbooks School lockers Toy boxes Yikes that list can make you feel overwhelmed for sure.  But one area I didn’t put on the list was your mind.  Your mind can […]

Is Your Disorganization Chronic or Situational?

With the stress being the number one health crisis of our time, it’s a no wonder that it’s growing. We have become such a busy society/family running from one activity to another.  Never having down time as a family.  Kids are involved in a multitude of activities and sports.  Parents are serving on multiple non-profit […]

Vlog – Get Going (Virtual Organizing)

Do you love your home? That’s the big question. If you don’t and are stressed being there in this time of quarantine, could it be from the disorganization and clutter? Don’t live with it any longer. Check out this video to help you “get going.”

We All Need to Apply Self-Care!

When I work with clients, I highly recommend that they take time for “self-care.”  I may meet with a client who said they didn’t do any of my homework and actually the day they thought they would do it, they rested instead.  There is this sense of guilt in admitting it to me.  My response […]

Is “Sparking Joy” the Right Question to Ask When De-Cluttering?

When Marie Kondo published her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I was asked by many of my clients what my thoughts were on this book.  Then when she released her Netflix series many more were intrigued with this new process and questioned whether it had increased my business. I cannot say her writings […]

You Have the Greatest Power Given to Man!

Do you know that you have the greatest power given to man and that is the power of choice! Sometimes there are circumstances in our lives that cause us to believe we do not have a choice.  We have to accept the circumstance and situation as it is and we have no power to change.  […]