Are You Living Your Destiny?

Knowing, believing and living in our destiny is part of having an abundant life. If we are not having a life of abundance, then it behooves us to get with the Lord to discover what our destiny is and what we need to do to get there. Now don’t get me wrong, abundance is not […]

Deciding is Just the First Step!

How many of you read the statement in this picture and answer with the number 4?  I believe I did the first time I saw it, but it didn’t take me long to realize that I had the wrong answer. Read it again and take a few minutes to really read each word and be […]

How Do We Take Peace?

Do you know that living in peace is a gift from God?  But God’s peace is not like the world’s peace.  Take this journey with me as I explain the “Gift of Peace” that the Father wants to impart to you.  It different than what you think but I believe you will be glad you […]

A Way to Bring Peace into Your Home!

Living in a home that is peaceful is critical to our health and well-being.  Our home needs to be a place that we look forward to coming to after a long day of work.  Additionally, our home needs to be a place that we enjoy spending our down time not always looking for a better […]

Sweater Weather Diffuser Blend!

For those of us up North, it is still sweater weather.  Some days are warmer than others and as far as Connecticut is concerned, we’ve had a very mild winter.  AND I am not complaining. This new Diffuser Blend is lovely, and I hope you give it a try!  Juniper Berry has a woodsy, piney […]

Being Still This Week!

I hope you had a blessed Christmas and/or Hannukah with your family and friends.  It can be a hectic and busy time and now that it’s over hopefully you can rest, relax and reflect on what 2023 will bring. Set your intention on making 2023 a good year … despite what is still happening around […]

A Follow-Up & Newly Added Fear P@rn to the List!

I am not sure if you had the opportunity to read my prior email on “What Do You Consider Fear P@rn?” and if you haven’t, the summary of it is below.  But after I sent the email, I realized I didn’t update with the latest fear that has been released … the Respiratory Syncytial Virus […]

What is Considered Fear P@rn?

I will begin a new Podcast series on Fear and how to remove it from your life starting in January 2023.  But to “prep” you for those teachings, I have a recommendation for you for the next few weeks.  Take a listen and see if it’s something that would benefit your health and well-being. Podcast […]

What is Considered Fear P@rn?

Happy Hannukah to my Jewish friends and clients.  I pray you are having a blessed week. I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by and that we are less than a week from Christmas.  Are you ready?  I am except for a few cookies to make.  Christmas is my favorite Holiday celebration.  I […]

“Non-Clutter” Gift Giving Ideas for Christmas!

With Christmas being only 13 days away, we can be in a frenzy to buy those last minutes gift only to feel overwhelmed, confused and at our wits end.  Helping you to be in peace is always my goal, so I decided again to put on my organizing hat. In my days of working with […]