Never Buy Food Here … No Matter What the Sign Says!

If you know me, you know that I’m not a great supporter of “New Year’s Resolutions.”  What I do support is goals and paradigm shift in your life.  How is that different?  A Resolution so many times is an off the cuff, quick “brain” decision to have something different in your life.  Something like: I’m […]

Brain Fog – What’s a Person to Do?

Today, I want to focus on Essential Oils and how they can help with “brain fog.”  You know that feeling where you’re not thinking clearly, you’re tired, distracted, have trouble focusing and you basically just feel “off? I know those times that I don’t necessarily have the best nights sleep and I wake up feeling […]

Organizing for Christmas!

It is really hard to believe that Thanksgiving was just 4 days ago, and Christmas is a little over 3 weeks away AND I’m not ready … at least with my shopping.  I have purchased a few gifts so far but have still a whole lot more to go.  I usually know my menu, but […]

What is the “Stuff in Your Home Doing for You?

There are so many reasons why we gather and keep “stuff” in our lives.  It can be for valid reasons such as you need and use these items and that’s totally fine.  Or it can serve another purpose that may not serve you well. I’m talking today to those who have “stuff” and their “stuff” […]

Six Layers of Fear – Be Own Your Health Advocate!

Recently, I was with a friend who was sharing a story of something that happened to her medically and it was very frightening. She went for her annual mammogram and shortly after that received a letter saying there were some questionable findings and she needed to go for further diagnostic testing. That was all the […]

Helpful Tips For Taking Care of Your Skin

Do you know what the largest organ of your body is?  Well if you said your skin, you would be correct. Internally, your largest organ is your liver.  But on your overall body, your skin is the largest organ.  How you take care of it is critical to its overall health as well as your […]

Essential Oils and Our Nervous System

Our nervous system can seem complex to understand let alone understand how to live a balanced life.  Because of all the traumas in my life … from adolescence to adulthood, I have lived in my sympathetic nervous system.  That fight or flight mode.  Living in the sympathetic system is great when you need it.  But […]

We All Need to Apply Self-Care!

When I work with clients, I highly recommend that they take time for “self-care.”  I may meet with a client who said they didn’t do any of my homework and actually the day they thought they would do it, they rested instead.  There is this sense of guilt in admitting it to me.  My response […]

Hidden Chemicals in Your Food

Sometimes something that is bad has a purpose of showing you something good.  Let me explain. About 23 years ago my now 24-year-old son, Joseph, was 18 months old.  He developed night terrors.  I thought perhaps he had an ear infection and that is why he would wake up screaming after being asleep for a […]

Freshen Up Your Summer Meals!

Would you like to freshen up your summer cuisine?  Then give dōTERRA Rosemary Essential Oil a try. Simply add one to two drops of Rosemary oil to meats or traditional entrees in order to add flavor or to support healthy digestion.   Looking for hearty Rosemary oil recipes or the ability to add instant flavor and […]