Essential Oils – To Dilute or Not Dilute?

One of the biggest questions about using Essential Oils (EO) is whether you should dilute it or not with a Carrier Oil (CO)?  You might think that if you did dilute your EO, you are getting less of an effect from the oil.  Well according to Dr. David Hill from doTerra, that is not the […]

Simple Health Changes for Your Kitchen!

If you follow me, you know I try my best to eat organically.  I know it’s hard sometimes because organic food seems so much more expensive.  How I justified this added expense was I figured I either pay on this side of health or I pay on the ill side of health.  But either way […]

Essential Oils for Sleep!

You have probably heard over and over how important sleep is for you and that when you don’t get enough sleep your body could not … Heal itself Detox itself Regenerate its cells Give your body the rest it needs Clear your mind Strengthen your immune system … just to name a few. But what […]

Moving, Being Active or Just Plain Exercising!

With all that is still happening in our Nation, it almost has to be a focused effort to do things in your life that relieves stress.   Today I want to talk with you about something that is very helpful if you are struggling with stress and anxiety.  Admittedly, it is one I truly struggle myself […]

How Clutter Affects Your Health!

Living amongst clutter in your home or your space affects you in many ways.  The hard part of acknowledging this truth is that clutter builds gradually.  It’s not as if a truck pulled up to your home and dumped all the clutter.  It got put there little by little. It’s like a pot of water […]

What’s The Truth About Fats

One of the things that makes me angry is being lied to or deceived and one of those areas is regarding our food.  Food manufacturers are handing us down lies and deceptions and our Government is saying it’s ok.  I guess that’s what they mean when they say, “They are in bed with each other!” […]

25 Lifestyle Tips

Making changes in our life can feel overwhelming.  We can look at our life and think there is so much to change.  How do I even begin?  Or you may not feel well about your life but you can’t put your finger on just want can be wrong and what needs to change.  Well here […]

12- Days of Change for Your Health

Recently, I heard that someone I know, and love has their cancer metastasized to another organ in their body.  I’m mad and angry that this ugly demon is making havoc in this person’s life.  I made some recommendations to have this person look to natural healing methods.  But was told they would not be open […]

Is Your Disorganization Chronic or Situational?

With the stress being the number one health crisis of our time, it’s a no wonder that it’s growing. We have become such a busy society/family running from one activity to another.  Never having down time as a family.  Kids are involved in a multitude of activities and sports.  Parents are serving on multiple non-profit […]

What Are You Feeding Your Body & Your Emotions?

With all the postings about the Coronavirus right now I’m sure the last thing you probably want is another thing to read.  I just want to say that although it can pertain to this pandemic this writing pertains to all of life. If you know me, you know I LOVE flowers.  They are my most […]